首页> 外文期刊>Journal of forensic and legal medicine >A report of five cases of self-mutilation for the purpose of insurance fraud

A report of five cases of self-mutilation for the purpose of insurance fraud


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Self-mutilation means direct and deliberate destruction of one's own body tissue without intending suicide. Some of the forensic referrals are the fraudulent persons who wish to obtain insurance benefits by simulating self-induced harms as injuries due to accidents. In this article we report five cases of self-mutilation for the purpose of obtaining insurance payments. These cases were interesting because of the following reasons: (1) Fracture of the tibia bone for the purpose of obtaining insurance payments is extremely rare. To our knowledge, the specialised literature does not present a similar case study as we described here. (2) In the cases we describe here, nobody had prior history of social and psychiatric problems and violence. In addition, on examination, no sign of previous scars was found in the whole body skin. (3) Self-mutilation injuries are often painless, parallel and delicate lines which are most frequently in the upper limb opposite to the dominant hand and in the areas that can be easily reached. In one of our cases, self-mutilation of the leg shin and the dominant hand were on the same side of the body. (4) In our study, all of the cases had high school education and were from small counties. Four patients were within the age range of 20—30 years, living in a populous family (six-member family) and of middle socioeconomic status. These results are consistent with previously available data for self-mutilation in Iran.
机译:自残是指在不自杀的情况下直接故意破坏自己的身体组织。一些法医转介是欺诈者,他们希望通过将自身造成的伤害模拟为由于事故造成的伤害来获得保险利益。在本文中,我们报告了五起自残案件,旨在获得保险金。这些病例之所以有趣,是因为以下原因:(1)胫骨骨折以获取保险金为目的极为罕见。据我们所知,专业文献并未像我们在此处描述的那样提供类似的案例研究。 (2)在我们在此描述的情况下,没有人曾有过社会和精神病问题以及暴力的历史。另外,经检查,在全身皮肤上未发现先前疤痕的迹象。 (3)自残伤害通常是无痛,平行且细腻的线条,最常见于与优势手相反的上肢以及容易触及的区域。在我们的一个案例中,腿胫的自残和优势手在身体的同一侧。 (4)在我们的研究中,所有病例均来自小县,具有高中文化程度。四名患者年龄在20-30岁之间,居住在一个人口众多的家庭(六人家庭)中,具有中等社会经济地位。这些结果与伊朗先前关于自残的现有数据一致。



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