首页> 外文期刊>Journal of forensic and legal medicine >The investigation of the impacts of major disasters, on the basis of the Van earthquake (October 23, 2011, Turkey), on the profile of the injuries due to occupational accidents

The investigation of the impacts of major disasters, on the basis of the Van earthquake (October 23, 2011, Turkey), on the profile of the injuries due to occupational accidents


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The purpose of this study is to identify the impacts of major disasters, on the basis of the Van earthquake (October 23, 2011, Turkey), on the profile of the injuries due to occupational accidents. In this study, we evaluated 245 patients of occupational accidents who were admitted to emergency services of Van city hospitals in the 1-year periods including pre-earthquake and post-earthquake. We determined that there was a 63.4% (P < 0.05) increase in work-related accidents in the post-earthquake period compared to the pre-earthquake period. Also, injuries due to occupational accidents increased 211% (P < 0.05) in the construction industry, the rate of injuries due to falls from height increased 168% (P < 0.05), and the rate of traumas to the head and upper limbs increased 200% (P < 0.05) and 130% (P < 0.05), respectively, in the post-earthquake period compared to the pre-earthquake period. We determined that the ignoring of measures for occupational health and safety by employers and employees during conducted rapid construction activities and post-earthquake restoration works in order to remove the effects of the earthquake increased the number of work accidents. In this study, the impact of disasters such as earthquakes on the accidents at work was evaluated as we have not seen in literature. This study emphasizes that governments should make regulations and process relating to the post-disaster business before the emergence of disaster by taking into account factors that may increase their work-related accidents. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究的目的是在范地震(2011年10月23日,土耳其)的基础上,确定重大灾​​难对职业事故造成的伤害的影响。在这项研究中,我们评估了在地震发生前和地震发生后的1年内接受Van City医院紧急服务的245例职业事故患者。我们确定,与地震前相比,地震后与工作有关的事故增加了63.4%(P <0.05)。此外,在建筑业中,职业事故造成的伤害增加了211%(P <0.05),从高处跌落造成的伤害比率增加了168%(P <0.05),并且头部和上肢受到伤害的比率增加了与地震前相比,地震后分别为200%(P <0.05)和130%(P <0.05)。我们认为,为了消除地震的影响而进行的快速建筑活动和地震后恢复工作中,雇主和雇员无视职业健康和安全措施,增加了工作事故的数量。在这项研究中,评估了地震等灾害对工作中的事故的影响,这是我们在文献中没有看到的。这项研究强调,政府应在灾难发生之前制定与灾难后业务相关的法规和流程,同时考虑到可能增​​加其与工作有关的事故的因素。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd和法医与法律医学系。版权所有。



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