首页> 外文期刊>Journal of foraminiferal research >Storm surge deposition by hurricane ike on the mcfaddin national wildlife refuge, Texas: Implications for paleotempestology studies

Storm surge deposition by hurricane ike on the mcfaddin national wildlife refuge, Texas: Implications for paleotempestology studies


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Hurricane Ike made landfall at Galveston, Texas on September 13, 2008. A storm surge in excess of 3 m struck the upper Texas coast, situated in the northeast quadrant of the landfalling hurricane. The storm surge caused widespread flooding many tens of kilometers inland and transported large amounts of offshore and littoral sediments into nearshore subaerial environments. This study documents the character of storm surge sedimentation on the McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge, which includes extensive palustrine marshes and large brackish lakes. The storm surge deposit exhibits two distinct styles of sedimentation: a thick, sandy washover fan, extending about 150 m inland, deposited as traction load; and a thinner, finer, more organic-rich blanket of sediments extending more than 2.7 km inland, deposited from suspension. Cores collected from the bed of Clam Lake, a large brackish lake on the refuge, approximately four weeks before and 16 weeks after Hurricane Ike's landfall, show that the storm surge deposited a 10-cm-thick sediment layer onto the lake bed. Lithologically, the deposit was similar to lake-bed sediments and did not form a distinct layer in cores, but it was distinguished by abundant offshore foraminifers. However, examination of a lake-bed core for earlier hurricane deposits revealed that foraminifers are not well preserved, and it was concluded that Clam Lake was unsuitable for paleotempestology studies based on lithologie and foraminiferal evidence of hurricane strikes. The study shows that storm surge sedimentation can extend a considerable distance inland, with the implication that paleotempestology studies could be conducted farther inland than in previous studies if sites suitable for long-term preservation of foraminifers are available.
机译:艾克飓风于2008年9月13日在得克萨斯州加尔维斯顿登陆。超过3 m的风暴潮袭击了得克萨斯州上海岸,该海岸位于登陆飓风的东北象限。风暴潮造成数十公里内陆的大面积洪水泛滥,并将大量的近海和沿海沉积物运输到近岸的空中环境中。这项研究记录了麦克法丁国家野生动物保护区中风暴潮沉积的特征,其中包括广阔的沼泽地和咸淡的湖泊。风暴潮沉积物表现出两种截然不同的沉积方式:一个厚厚的沙质冲刷扇形物,向内陆延伸约150 m,作为牵引载荷沉积。还有更薄,更细,更富含有机物的沉积物覆盖层,这些沉积层通过悬浮液向内陆延伸了超过2.7公里。从艾克飓风登陆前大约四个星期和之后的16周,从避难所中一个咸淡的大湖Clam湖床收集的岩心显示,风暴潮将10厘米厚的沉积物沉积到了湖床上。从岩性上讲,该沉积物与湖床沉积物相似,并且在岩心中没有形成明显的层,但其特征是丰富的近海有孔虫。但是,对湖床岩心中较早的飓风沉积物的检查显示,有孔虫没有得到很好的保存,并且得出的结论是,蛤lam湖不适合进行基于古石学和飓风袭击的有孔虫证据的古温度研究。这项研究表明,风暴潮的沉积作用可以向内陆延伸相当长的距离,这意味着如果有适合长期保存有孔虫的地点,那么与以前的研究相比,古温度研究可以在内陆进行得更远。



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