首页> 外文期刊>Journal of foraminiferal research >Foraminiferal biofacies of the Miocene warm to cool climatic transition in the Port Phillip Basin, southeastern Australia

Foraminiferal biofacies of the Miocene warm to cool climatic transition in the Port Phillip Basin, southeastern Australia


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The Miocene marine sediments of the Torquay Group in the Port Phillip Basin of southeast Australia were deposited at a paleolatitude of at least 45degreesS. Nevertheless, the presence of subtropical larger foraminifers, plankton of the "Orbulina" bioseries and other biofacies signals testify to a time of global warmth and correspond to the "Miocene Climatic Optimum". Throughout the Early Miocene to early Middle Miocene, bioclastic calcarenite of the Batesford Limestone was deposited in warm, subtropical and oligotrophic marine conditions in a high-energy inner-shelf (<70 In depth) environment. During the early Middle Miocene, a distinct change in foraminiferal assemblage accompanied the transition to deposition of finer-grained marl and silty clay of the Fyansford Formation. At this level, a significant increase in the abundance of infaunal and planktonic taxa indicates a shift to a low-energy, middle- to outer-shelf environment (50-100 m depth). The disappearance of the larger subtropical foraminifera and the shift to a foraminiferal assemblage dominated by cool-water upwelling indices later in the Middle Miocene, signal the onset of oceanic upwelling and climatic cooling as identified in other southern Australian Tertiary basins. This event can be correlated to a period of global climatic cooling and intensified oceanic circulation that occurred in response to expansion of the East and West Antarctic ice sheets during the Middle to Late Miocene.
机译:澳大利亚东南部菲利普港湾盆地托基群的中新世海相沉积物的古纬度至少为45°S。尽管如此,亚热带较大的有孔虫,“ Orbulina”生物系列的浮游生物和其他生物相信号的存在证明了全球变暖的时代,并对应于“中新世气候最佳”。在中新世早期至中新世早期,贝茨福德石灰岩的生物碎屑钙钙石沉积在温暖,亚热带和贫营养的海洋环境中,处于高能内层(深度小于70)环境中。在中新世中期早期,有孔虫的组合发生了明显的变化,伴随着Fyansford组的细粒泥灰和粉质粘土的沉积过渡。在这个水平上,不育和浮游生物分类的丰度显着增加表明向低能,中层到外层环境(深度为50-100 m)转移。在中新世中期后期,较大的亚热带有孔虫消失并转向以冷水上升指数为主的有孔虫组合,这标志着澳大利亚南部第三纪盆地中海洋上升和气候变冷的开始。该事件可能与中新世中期至中晚期南极东部和西部冰盖扩张引起的全球气候变冷和海洋环流加剧有关。



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