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Highly sensitive child.


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My 4-year-old daughter is very sensitive. When she is in new situations she is very clingy and won't interact at all (she hides her face in my leg). She won't go down the slide at the park. We recently visited Disneyland, and it was a waste of money; she went on only one ride, with me by her side, and said she hated it when the ride was over. We couldn't get her to even try another ride. She also panics if she hears loud noises, even the flushing of some restroom toilets. And finally, if she is scolded even a little bit (not harshly), she is devastated. She cries like her heart is breaking, and often asks "Do you still love me?" I feel like she is very insecure, and I don't know why! What can I do to get her to be less intense and fearful?



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