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Self-preservation in a zero pressure gradient rough-wall turbulent boundary layer


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A self-preservation (SP) analysis is carried out for a zero pressure gradient (ZPG) rough-wall turbulent boundary layer with a view to establishing the requirements of complete SP (i.e. SP across the entire layer) and determining if these are achievable. The analysis shows that SP is achievable in certain rough-wall boundary layers (irrespectively of the Reynolds number Re), when the mean viscous stress is zero or negligible compared to the form drag across the entire boundary layer. In this case, the velocity scale u* must be constant, the length scale l should vary linearly with the streamwise distance x and the roughness height k must be proportional to l. Although this result is consistent with that of Rotta (Prog. Aeronaut. Sci., vol. 2 (1), 1962, pp. 1-95), it is derived in a more rigorous manner than the method employed by Rotta. Further, it is noted that complete SP is not possible in a smooth-wall ZPG turbulent boundary layer. The SP conditions are tested against published experimental data on both a smooth wall (Kulandaivelu, 2012, PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne) and a rough wall, where the roughness height increases linearly with x (Kameda et al., J. Fluid Sci. Technol., vol. 3 (1), 2008, pp. 31-42). Complete SP in a ZPG rough-wall turbulent boundary layer seems indeed possible when k alpha x.
机译:对零压力梯度(ZPG)粗糙壁湍流边界层进行了自我保存(SP)分析,以建立完整SP的要求(即整个层上的SP)并确定是否可以实现。分析表明,当平均粘性应力为零或与跨整个边界层的形式阻力相比可忽略不计时,在某些粗糙壁边界层中(与雷诺数Re无关)都可以实现SP。在这种情况下,速度标度u *必须恒定,长度标度l应随流向距离x线性变化,粗糙度高度k必须与l成比例。尽管此结果与Rotta的结果一致(Prog。Aeronaut。Sci。,第2卷(1),1962年,第1-95页),但其结果比Rotta所采用的方法更为严格。此外,应注意,在光滑壁ZPG湍流边界层中不可能获得完整的SP。在光滑的墙壁(Kulandaivelu,2012,博士学位,墨尔本大学)和粗糙的墙壁上,根据公开的实验数据对SP条件进行了测试,粗糙的墙壁的粗糙度高度随x线性增加(Kameda等人,J。Fluid Sci (Technol。,vol.3(1),2008,pp.31-42)。当k alpha x时,似乎确实可以在ZPG粗糙壁湍流边界层中完成SP。



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