首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Fish Biology >Influence of selected factors on the dietary compositions of three targeted and co-occurring temperate species of reef fishes: implications for food partitioning

Influence of selected factors on the dietary compositions of three targeted and co-occurring temperate species of reef fishes: implications for food partitioning


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The dietary compositions of three medium to large targeted fish species, which co-occur over reefs in temperate waters of south-western Australia, were determined. These data were then used to ascertain statistically the extent to which body size, season and habitat influence the diets of these species and the degree to which food resources were partitioned among and within those species, and thus reduced the potential of interspecific and intraspecific competition. On the west coast, Bodianus frenchii (Labridae) and Epinephelides armatus (Serranidae) spent their whole life over prominent limestone reefs, as did Glaucosoma hebraicum (Glaucosomatidae) in all but juvenile life, when it lived over low-relief, limestone substrata. The dietary composition of each species changed with increasing body size, which, in G. hebraicum, was particularly pronounced at c. 300 mm total length (L-T) and therefore at the size when this species shifts habitat. When the three species co-occurred over the same reefs, their dietary compositions were significantly different, with that of B. frenchii being by far the most discrete, reflecting a far greater contribution by sedentary taxa. Thus, the diet of B. frenchii was distinguished from those of the other two species in containing substantial volumes of bivalve and gastropod molluscs and echinoid echinoderms and essentially no teleosts. Although the diets of G. hebraicum and particularly E. armatus were dominated by teleosts, and especially for larger individuals, the former species ingested greater volumes of cephalopods and small crustaceans. The pointed jaws of B. frenchii, with their forwardly directed and interlocking anterior incisors, are ideally adapted for biting and retaining their invertebrate prey, which are attached to or reside within reef crevices. In contrast, the mouths of G. hebraicum and E. armatus are broader and rounder and contain numerous small, slender and inward-pointing teeth. These teeth, in conjunction with prominent backward-curved canines in E. armatus, facilitate the capture and retention of fish prey. Observations in situ indicate that G. hebraicum is a suction feeder, while E. armatus is predominantly a ram feeder. Although reef environments on the west and south coasts differ, the diet of B. frenchii on these coasts differed only slightly. Interspecific differences in diet, combined with size-related changes in dietary compositions and the occupation of different habitats by juvenile and adult G. hebraicum, reduce the potential for competition for food resources among and within B. frenchii, G. hebraicum and E. armatus and thus helps facilitate the coexistence of these species which historically have been abundant over reefs in south-western Australia.
机译:确定了在澳大利亚西南部温带水域的珊瑚礁中共生的三种中型至大型目标鱼的饮食组成。然后将这些数据用于统计确定体重,季节和栖息地对这些物种饮食的影响程度以及这些物种之间和内部食物资源的分配程度,从而减少种间和种内竞争的可能性。在西海岸,Bodianus frenchii(Labridae)和Epinephelides armatus(Serranidae)的一生都生活在突出的石灰岩礁上,而除未成年的Glaucosoma hebraicum(Glaucosomatidae)以外,它们都生活在低浮雕的石灰岩基质上。每种物种的饮食组成都随着体型的增加而变化,而在赫氏志贺菌中,在c时尤为明显。总长度(L-T)为300毫米,因此处于该物种转移栖息地时的大小。当这三个物种同时出现在同一礁石上时,它们的饮食组成显着不同,而法国双歧杆菌的饮食组成却是最离散的,这反映了久坐的分类群的贡献更大。因此,法国双歧杆菌的饮食与其他两个物种的区别在于其包含大量双壳类和腹足类软体动物和棘突类棘皮动物,而基本上没有硬骨鱼。虽然硬骨猪,尤其是大个体的硬骨猪,特别是大肠埃希菌的饮食为主,但前者摄入了更多的头足类动物和小型甲壳类动物。 B. frenchii的尖颚具有向前指向的和可互锁的前门齿,非常适合咬和保留无脊椎动物的猎物,这些猎物附着在礁石缝隙中或位于礁石缝隙中。相反,G。hebraicum和E. armatus的嘴更宽,更圆,并且包含许多细小,细长且向内的牙齿。这些牙齿,加上在大肠埃希菌中突出的向后弯曲的犬齿,有助于捕获和保留鱼类。原位观察表明,希伯氏革兰属是吸食性动物,而armatus则主要是公羊。尽管西海岸和南海岸的礁石环境有所不同,但这些海岸上的法国双歧杆菌的饮食仅略有不同。饮食之间的种间差异,再加上与饮食结构大小相关的变化以及幼年和成年的G. hebraicum对不同生境的占领,减少了B. frenchii,G。hebraicum和E. armatus之间及其内部争夺食物资源的潜力。因此有助于促进这些物种的共存,这些物种在澳大利亚西南部的珊瑚礁上历来丰富。



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