首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention >Investigation into the Mechanical Cause of Failure of Neutron Guide NG-2 at the NIST Research Reactor

Investigation into the Mechanical Cause of Failure of Neutron Guide NG-2 at the NIST Research Reactor


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This study investigates the fractures that occurred in a glass structure used to carry neutrons from a cold source in the NIST reactor into an experimental hall that contains neutron-scattering instrumentation used to perform experiments in chemistry, materials science, physics, and biology. These guides are typically made of rectangular borosilicate glass tubes, coated on the inside with a neutron-reflecting coating. The guide tubes used at the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) have internal cross sections of dimensions 150 × 60 mm, with lengths extending over as great as 60 m, with gaps for insertion of the instruments used to evaluate materials. On August 23, 2011, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Mineral, Virginia, which resulted in significant ground motion over 150 km away at the NCNR. An initial inspection and vacuum test revealed no significant damage to the seven neutron beam lines. After a few weeks, neutron guide 2 (NG-2) that was located in the Guide Hall near the reactor building wall cracked and broke while being evacuated. The cause of fracture was identified by observation of the glass fragments and analysis of the stress distributions in the guide. The delayed fracture was caused by damage introduced during the earthquake.
机译:这项研究调查了玻璃结构中发生的裂缝,该玻璃结构用于将中子从NIST反应堆中的冷源运入实验大厅,该大厅包含用于进行化学,材料科学,物理学和生物学实验的中子散射仪器。这些导管通常由矩形的硼硅酸盐玻璃管制成,在其内部涂有中子反射涂层。 NIST中子研究中心(NCNR)所使用的导管具有150×60 mm的内部横截面,其长度长达60 m,并带有用于插入用于评估材料的仪器的间隙。 2011年8月23日,弗吉尼亚州矿产发生5.8级地震,NCNR超过150公里处发生了明显的地震动。初步检查和真空测试表明,这七个中子束线没有明显损坏。几周后,位于反应堆建筑物壁附近导引厅的中子导管2(NG-2)在被抽空时破裂并破裂。通过观察玻璃碎片并分析导板中的应力分布,可以确定破裂的原因。延迟断裂是由于地震期间引入的损坏引起的。



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