首页> 外文期刊>Journal of evolutionary biology >Evolution of tolerance in an invasive weed after reassociation with its specialist herbivore

Evolution of tolerance in an invasive weed after reassociation with its specialist herbivore


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The interaction between the European wild parsnip Pastinaca sativa and its coevolved florivore the parsnip webworm Depressaria pastinacella, established in North America for over 150years, has resulted in evolution of local chemical phenotype matching. The recent invasion of New Zealand by webworms, exposing parsnips there to florivore selection for the first time, provided an opportunity to assess rates of adaptive response in a real-time experiment. We planted reciprocal common gardens in the USA and NZ with seeds from (1) US populations with a long history of webworm association; (2) NZ populations that had never been infested and (3) NZ populations infested for 3years (since 2007) or 6years (since 2004). We measured impacts of florivory on realized fitness, reproductive effort and pollination success and measured phenotypic changes in infested NZ populations relative to uninfested NZ populations to determine whether rapid adaptive evolution in response to florivory occurred. Irrespective of country of origin or location, webworms significantly reduced plant fitness. Webworms reduced pollination success in small plants but not in larger plants. Although defence chemistry remained unchanged, plants in infested populations were larger after 3-6years of webworm florivory. As plant size is a strong predictor of realized fitness, evolution of large size as a component of florivore tolerance may occur more rapidly than evolution of enhanced chemical defence.
机译:欧洲野生欧洲防风草(Pastinaca sativa)与其共同进化的防风植物防风草蠕虫(Depressaria pastinacella)之间的相互作用在北美建立了150多年,导致局部化学表型匹配的进化。网络蠕虫最近入侵新西兰,使欧洲防风草首次暴露于弗洛里弗雷尔的选择,这为实时实验中评估适应性反应率提供了机会。我们在美国和新西兰建立了互惠的共同花园,种植了以下种子:(1)具有悠久的网络蠕虫历史的美国种群; (2)从未感染过的新西兰种群,和(3)感染了3年(自2007年以来)或6年(自2004年以来)的新西兰种群。我们测量了食用香料对实现的适应性,生殖力和授粉成功的影响,并测定了受感染的新西兰种群相对于未侵染的新西兰种群的表型变化,以确定是否发生了响应于食用真菌的快速适应性进化。无论起源或位置的国家/地区,网络蠕虫都会大大降低植物的适应性。 Webworms降低了小型植物的授粉成功率,但没有降低大型植物的授粉成功率。尽管防御化学保持不变,但经过3-6年的Webworm诱饵后,受侵染种群的植物变大了。由于植物的大小是实现适应性的有力预测指标,因此大尺寸进化为植物抗小花锈病的组成部分可能比增强化学防御能力的进化更快。



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