首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine >Comparison of Commonly Used Diets on Intake, Digestion, Growth, and Health in Captive Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps)

Comparison of Commonly Used Diets on Intake, Digestion, Growth, and Health in Captive Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps)

机译:常用饮食对圈养糖滑翔机(Petaurus breviceps)摄入,消化,生长和健康的比较

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Sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps) have recently been gaining popularity in the United States as exotic companion animals. Being native to Australia, they have a more extensive history as a captive species in that country. Although not kept as pets in Australia, they are maintained in a number of zoological facilities and wildlife rehabilitation facilities. Suear sliders have also been used in research as laboratory animals. They are aptly named; they subsist on a diet of nonfoliage plant materials and some invertebrates, using simple sugars in saps, manna, and nectars for energy. Sugar gliders also eat resins, honeydew, lerp (insect exudates), and plant gums— the latter comprising polysaccharides that form gels. Their minimal protein requirement is primarily derived from pollen grains and seasonal consumption of insects and arthropods.
机译:食糖滑翔机(Petaurus breviceps)最近作为异国陪伴动物在美国越来越受欢迎。它们原产于澳大利亚,在该国作为圈养物种有着更广泛的历史。尽管它们在澳大利亚不作为宠物饲养,但仍在许多动物园和野生动物康复设施中饲养。 Suear滑块也已被用作实验动物。他们被恰当地命名。他们以无叶植物材料和一些无脊椎动物为食,靠在树汁,甘露和花蜜中的简单糖类获取能量。滑翔机还吃树脂,甘露,(昆虫分泌液)和植物胶,后者含有形成凝胶的多糖。它们对蛋白质的最低要求主要来自花粉粒以及昆虫和节肢动物的季节性消费。



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