首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine >Essentials of the Exotic Pet Practice

Essentials of the Exotic Pet Practice


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Exotic pet practice is an exciting but demanding field in veterinary medicine. The decision to enter this field should be made only after careful consideration of some of the unique challenges and responsibilities of this type of practice. This article covers the considerations to be made when choosing species to see as patients, specific challenges for the exotic pet practitioner, legal and ethical issues regarding exotic species, sources of patients, development of a network for referral veterinarians, and a discussion of education for the veterinarian, staff, and clients. Also covered are suggestions for additions to the physical plant as well as recommendations for surgical, anesthetic, treatment, and examination equipment. There is an extensivelist of additional recommended sources of information in the forms of texts, publications, organizations, and internet sites included at the end of the article. Copyright 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:在兽医学上,外来宠物饲养是一个令人兴奋但要求很高的领域。进入这个领域的决定只有在认真考虑了这种做法的一些独特挑战和责任之后才能做出。本文涵盖了选择物种作为患者时要考虑的因素,外来宠物从业者面临的具体挑战,有关外来物种的法律和道德问题,患者来源,为转诊兽医建立的网络以及对儿童的教育讨论兽医,员工和客户。还涵盖了对物理植物的补充建议以及对手术,麻醉,治疗和检查设备的建议。本文末尾包含大量建议的其他信息来源,包括文本,出版物,组织和Internet站点的形式。版权所有2006 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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