首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Entomological Research >Evaluation of pre sown application of granular insecticides against white grub (Holotrichia longipennis) infesting soybean grown under rain-fedcondition of Uttarakhand hill

Evaluation of pre sown application of granular insecticides against white grub (Holotrichia longipennis) infesting soybean grown under rain-fedcondition of Uttarakhand hill

机译:预先播种的颗粒杀虫剂对在北阿坎德邦山雨育条件下种植的白色g侵染大豆的评估(Holotrichia longipennis)

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Field experiment was conducted at Research Station, Gaja, College of Forestry and Hill Agriculture, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Ranichauri to evaluate the various pre sown application of granular insecticides i.e. chlorpyriphos 10G(@2.0 kg a. i. ha1), phorate 10G (@ 2.5 kg a.i. ha1), carbofuran 3G (@0.75 kg a.i. ha1), clothianidin 50 WDG (@ 0.12 kg a.i. ha1), fipronil 0.3 G, (0.60 kg a.i. ha1), thiamethoxam 25 WG (0.08 kg a.i. ha1) and imidacloprid 70WG, (0.30 kg a.i. ha1) against white grub infesting soybean grown under rain-fed condition of Uttarakhand hill. Result indicated that all the insecticidal treatments were found significantly superior with cumulative plant mortality of 8.20 -15.18% as compared to untreated control where highest plant mortality was 28.67 percent. Clothianidin 50 WDG applied 0.120 kg a.i. ha 1 proved to be most effective by registering lowest plant mortality (i.e. 6.94 and 8.20%) followed by imidacloprid 70WG @ 0.30 kg a.i ha 1 where the plant mortality was 8.99 and 8.5 % during two consecutive years.
机译:在GB Pant农业科技大学林加山农学院Gaja研究站进行了野外试验,以评估各种预先施用的颗粒杀虫剂,例如毒死pho 10G(@ 2.0 kg ai ha1),磷酸根10G( @ 2.5千克ai ha1),呋喃丹3G(@ 0.75千克ai ha1),可比丁50 WDG(@ 0.12千克ai ha1),氟虫腈0.3 G(0.60千克ai ha1),噻虫嗪25 WG(0.08千克ai ha1)和吡虫啉。 70WG(0.30 kg ai ha1)对在北阿坎德邦山雨育条件下生长的白色g侵染大豆。结果表明,与未处理的对照相比,所有杀虫处理均具有明显的优越性,其累积植物死亡率为8.20 -15.18%,而未处理的对照组中最高的植物死亡率为28.67%。 Clothianidin 50 WDG的用量为0.120 kg a.i.通过记录最低的植物死亡率(分别为6.94和8.20%)证明ha 1最有效,其次是吡虫啉70WG @ 0.30 kg a.i ha 1连续两年的植物死亡率分别为8.99和8.5%。



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