首页> 外文期刊>Clinical toxicology: the official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology and European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists >Intoxications involving the fentanyl analogs acetylfentanyl, 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl and furanylfentanyl: results from the Swedish STRIDA project

Intoxications involving the fentanyl analogs acetylfentanyl, 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl and furanylfentanyl: results from the Swedish STRIDA project


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Background: Potent and potentially harmful new psychoactive substances (NPS) are continuously introduced on the recreational drugs market. This report from the Swedish STRIDA project describes analytically confirmed cases of intoxication involving the fentanyl analogs acetylfentanyl, 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl, and furanylfentanyl. Methods: Patients with suspected NPS exposure presenting in emergency departments and intensive care units in Sweden and requiring hospital care are invited to the STRIDA project. Toxicological analysis of serum and urine samples was performed by multi-component liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric methods. Data on clinical features were retrieved from telephone consultations with the Swedish Poisons Information Centre and from medical records. Results: Between April and November 2015, 14 analytically confirmed intoxications involving acetylfentanyl (nine cases), 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl (3), furanylfentanyl (1), and 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl together with furanylfentanyl (1) were identified. The patients were aged 20-40 (mean 28.5) years and 86% were men. Twelve patients (86%) were admitted to intensive care, where two required intubation and mechanical ventilation. Typical clinical features were decreased consciousness, respiratory depression, and miosis. In eight cases, the antidote naloxone was administered to counter the effects. The serum acetylfentanyl concentration (N=7) was 0.6-51.6 (mean 18.3 and median 14.8) ng/mL, and in urine (N=8) 0.1-686 (mean 155 and median 66.6) ng/mmol creatinine. The serum 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl concentration (N=2) was 1.3 and 3.1ng/mL, and 5.1-51.3ng/mmol creatinine in urine (N=3). For furanylfentanyl, the serum concentrations were 4.4 and 148ng/mL and in urine 9.2 and 85ng/mmol creatinine, respectively. In 13 cases (93%), other NPS and/or classical drugs were also detected. Drug products brought to hospital by patients contained acetylfentanyl (nasal spray and pink tablet), 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl (green tablet), furanylfentanyl/traces of 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl (nasal spray), and 4-fluorobutyrfentanyl (purple tablet). Conclusion: Potentially life-threatening opioid toxicity was seen in acute intoxications involving acetylfentanyl, 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl, and furanylfentanyl. Intensive care treatment for one month was necessary in one acetylfentanyl case and one acetylfentanyl patient died from cerebral hemorrhage.
机译:背景:在休闲药物市场上不断引入有潜在危害的新型精神活性物质(NPS)。瑞典STRIDA项目的这份报告描述了经过分析证实的中毒案例,涉及芬太尼类似物乙酰芬太尼,4-甲氧基丁芬太尼和呋喃基芬太尼。方法:邀请到瑞典急诊科和重症监护病房就诊并需要住院治疗的疑似NPS暴露患者参加STRIDA项目。血清和尿液样品的毒理学分析通过多组分液相色谱-质谱法进行。有关临床特征的数据可从与瑞典毒物信息中心进行的电话咨询和医疗记录中获取。结果:2015年4月至2015年11月,鉴定出14种经分析证实的中毒,其中涉及乙酰芬太尼(9例),4-甲氧基丁芬太尼(3),呋喃基芬太尼(1)和4-甲氧基丁芬太尼与呋喃基芬太尼(1)。患者年龄为20-40岁(平均28.5岁),男性为86%。 12名患者(占86%)被接受了重症监护,其中两名需要插管和机械通气。典型的临床特征是意识下降,呼吸抑制和瞳孔缩小。在八种情况下,服用了解毒剂纳洛酮以抵消这种影响。血清乙酰芬太尼浓度(N = 7)为0.6-51.6(平均18.3,中位数14.8)ng / mL,尿液中(N = 8)0.1-686(平均155,中位数66.6)ng / mmol肌酐。尿液中的血清4-甲氧基丁芬太尼浓度(N = 2)分别为1.3和3.1ng / mL,5.1-1.3ngng / mmol肌酐(N = 3)。呋喃基芬太尼的血药浓度分别为4.4和148ng / mL,尿液中的血药浓度分别为9.2和85ng / mmol。在13例(93%)中,还检测到其他NPS和/或经典药物。患者送往医院的药品包括乙酰芬太尼(鼻喷雾剂和粉红色片剂),4-甲氧基丁芬太尼(绿色片剂),呋喃基芬太尼/痕量的4-甲氧基丁芬太尼(鼻喷雾剂)和4-氟丁芬太尼(紫色片剂)。结论:在涉及乙酰芬太尼,4-甲氧基丁芬太尼和呋喃基芬太尼的急性中毒中,可能会危及生命的阿片样物质毒性。一名乙酰芬太尼病例需要重症监护治疗一个月,一名乙酰芬太尼患者死于脑出血。



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