首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental health >Noise Exposure and Temporary Hearing Loss of Indoor Hockey Officials: A Pilot Study

Noise Exposure and Temporary Hearing Loss of Indoor Hockey Officials: A Pilot Study


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Indoor hockey officials might be at high risk of hearing loss at an earlier age because their noise exposures have not been evaluated and officiating can begin as early as 10 years of age. Officials of junior and collegiate hockey leagues in northern Colorado participated in noise dosimetry and pre and postgame pure-tone audiometry to determine if a >= 10 decibels (dB) decrease in hearing sensitivity resulted from noise exposures during the game. All of the officials (N = 23) were exposed to equivalent sound pressure levels >= 85 A-weighted decibels (dBA) and 65% were overexposed based on noise criteria set by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Of the sampled officials, 10 of 18 demonstrated a >= 10 dB increase in hearing threshold, seven of whom included shifts in more than one ear and/or frequency and two of whom demonstrated a 15 dB shift. The results of this study suggest exposure to hazardous levels of noise and a possible increased risk for hearing loss among hockey officials.
机译:室内曲棍球官员可能在较早的年龄就有很高的听力损失风险,因为他们的噪音暴露尚未得到评估,并且可以从10岁开始就开始司法工作。科罗拉多州北部的初级和大学曲棍球联盟的官员参加了噪声剂量测定以及赛前和赛后的纯音测听,以确定在比赛过程中因暴露于噪音而导致听觉灵敏度是否降低了> = 10 dB。根据美国政府工业卫生学家会议制定的噪声标准,所有官员(N = 23)都暴露于等效声压水平> = 85 A加权分贝(dBA),且65%的暴露过度。在被抽样的官员中,有18人中有10人表现出听力阈值增加> = 10 dB,其中7人表现出一只耳朵和/或频率的变化,其中2人表现出15 dB的变化。这项研究的结果表明,曲棍球官员接触危险的噪声水平,可能会增加听力损失的风险。



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