首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Engineering >HSPF simulation of runoff and sediment loads in the Upper Changjiang River Basin, China

HSPF simulation of runoff and sediment loads in the Upper Changjiang River Basin, China


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To evaluate the performance of a computer model simulating runoff and sediment load in the upper region of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) basin over a relatively short time interval, including examining the applicability of the input precipitation data generated from global circulation models and satellite data, we used a spatially distributed model, HSPF with the International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) precipitation data for 1987 and 1988 as input data. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (R-2) for 5-day average streamflow was 0.94 in the calibration period and 0.95 in the verification period for the whole upper region. Moreover, the model simulated the 5-day average streamflow well in each main tributary, as shown by R-2 values of 0.46-0.96, except that it underestimated the peak flow rates during the flood season over 2 years by up to 71% in Tuojiang and 61% in Jialingjiang. The model simulated the 5-day concentrations of suspended solids (SS) fairly well in the headwaters and upper regions of the Jinshajiang, Yalongjiang, and Minjiang watersheds, as shown by R-2 values of 0.31-0.65. In the other regions, however, the model underestimated the SS load by up to 72%, and rarely simulated the fluctuation of SS concentration in each river channel during the flood season. These errors led to the underestimation of sediment runoff volume from the whole upper region during the flood season, as shown by the ratio of the simulated sediment load to the observed data at Yichang: 0.69 in the calibration period and 0.68 in the verification period. The ISLSCP precipitation tended to be more frequent and less intense than the measured precipitation. This was probably the main reason why the HSPF did not perform well in all regions at all times.
机译:为了评估模拟长江流域上游地区径流和泥沙负荷的计算机模型在相对较短的时间间隔内的性能,包括检查从全球环流模型产生的输入降水数据和卫星数据的适用性,我们将空间分布模型HSPF与1987年和1988年国际卫星陆地地面气候学项目(ISLSCP)的降水数据结合起来使用。整个上部区域的5天平均流量的Nash-Sutcliffe系数(R-2)在校准期间为0.94,在验证期间为0.95。此外,该模型模拟了每个主要支流的5天平均流量,如R-2值0.46-0.96所示,不同之处在于,该模型低估了2年内汛期的洪峰流量,最高达71%。 o江和嘉陵江占61%。该模型很好地模拟了金沙江,雅long江和Min江流域上游水域和上游地区的5天悬浮物浓度,R-2值为0.31-0.65。然而,在其他地区,该模型低估了SS负荷达72%,并且很少模拟洪水季节每个河道中SS浓度的波动。这些误差导致洪水季节整个上游地区的泥沙径流量被低估,如模拟的泥沙负荷与宜昌实测数据的比值所示:校准期为0.69,验证期为0.68。 ISLSCP降水往往比实测降水更频繁,强度更低。这可能是HSPF始终在所有地区均表现不佳的主要原因。



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