首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Entomological Science >Timing and release rates for control of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) by Nephaspis oculatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) under confined conditions.

Timing and release rates for control of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) by Nephaspis oculatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) under confined conditions.

机译:密闭条件下由Nephaspis oculatus(Coleoptera:Coccinellidae)控制烟粉虱(Hemioptera:Aleyrodidae)的时间和释放速率。

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The potential of a lady beetle, Nephaspis oculatus (Blatchley), to serve as a biological control agent of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Biotype "B" (=B. argentifolii Bellows & Perring), was evaluated on hibiscus under confined conditions, in large cages (60x60x60 cm) and on sweetpotato leaves in small clear cup cages (0.9 L). Nephaspis oculatus suppressed B. tabaci populations and provided marketable hibiscus plants when released 1 d after whitefly introduction in large cages at ratios of 1:4 and 1:20 beetle:whitefly. When beetles were released 7 d after the whitefly infestation, significant pest reduction and marketable plants were obtained with the 1:4 beetle:whitefly ratio but not the 1:20 ratio. In clear cup cages on sweet potato leaves, significant suppression was obtained at beetle:whitefly ratios of 1:6.7, 1:10 and 1:20 when N. oculatus was released 1 d after the whitefly infestation. These results help define release parameters for successful use of N. oculatus as a biological control agent of whiteflies under confined conditions.
机译:在限定条件下,在芙蓉上评估了甲虫Nephaspis oculatus(Blatchley)作为甘薯粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)生物型“ B”(= B。argentifolii Bellows&Perring)的生物防治剂的潜力。在大笼子(60x60x60 cm)中和小透明杯形笼子(0.9 L)中的甘薯叶上。当粉虱在大笼中以1:4和1:20的甲虫:粉虱的比例引入粉虱后1 d释放时,Nephaspis oculatus抑制了烟粉虱的种群并提供了可销售的芙蓉植物。当粉虱成虫后7天释放甲虫时,按1:4的甲虫:粉虱的比率但不是1:20的比率获得了明显的害虫减少和可销售的植物。在甘薯叶上的透明杯笼中,当粉虱侵染后1 d释放N. oculatus时,甲虫:粉虱的比例为1:6.7、1:10和1:20时,显着抑制。这些结果有助于确定释放参数,以便在有限的条件下成功地将球菌作为粉虱的生物防治剂。



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