首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Mineral trioxide aggregate repair of a perforating internal resorption in a mandibular molar.

Mineral trioxide aggregate repair of a perforating internal resorption in a mandibular molar.


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Internal resorption is a rare condition in permanent teeth that poses difficulties for treatment. The challenge is complicated further if the resorption extends beyond the confines of the root. This article describes treatment of a perforating internal resorption in the mesial root of a second lower molar, with adjacent destruction of the alveolar bone. After cleaning the root canal space and the resorption lacuna by mechanical instrumentation, irrigation, and interim calcium hydroxide dressing, the defect was filled with mineral trioxide aggregate, and the canals were obturated conventionally with gutta percha and epoxy resin sealer. At a 2-year follow-up examination, no clinical abnormalities were found, and complete resolution of the alveolar bone lesion and establishment of a new periodontal ligament were observed.



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