首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Entomology >Resistance Among Cultivated Sunflower Germplasm to Stem-Infesting Pests in the Central Great Plains

Resistance Among Cultivated Sunflower Germplasm to Stem-Infesting Pests in the Central Great Plains


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A 7-yr field study evaluated 61 oilseed sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., accessions and 31 interspecific crosses for resistance to attack by naturally occurring populations of three stem-infesting pests, the sunflower stem weevil, Cylindrocopturus adspersus (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Cur_culionidae); a longhorned beetle, Dectes texanus LeConte (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae); and a root boring moth, Pelochrista womonana (Kearfott) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), at two locations in the central Great Plains. Germplasm with potential sources of resistance to attack from all three stem-infesting species were revealed. Accessions PI 650558, PI 386230, and PI 431516 were consistent in averaging low densities of stem weevil larvae per stalk among lines tested, and PI 497939 exceeded 25 weevil larvae per stalk in only 1 yr of 5 yr of trials. Several interspecific crosses also had consistently low densities of C. adspersus larvae per stalk. Populations of both D. texanus and P. womonana were variable over years, but differences among the lines tested were evident in many trials, revealing potential for developing resistant germplasm. Four accessions (PI 386230, PI 431542, PI 650497, and PI 650558) had low larval densities of C. adspersus and P. womonana in addition to reduced percentage infestation by D. texanus. Results showed potential for developing resistant genotypes for these pests. The prospect of adding host plant resistance as an integrated pest management (IPM) tactic would provide another tool for reducing economic losses from stem-infesting insect pests of sunflower in the central Great Plains.
机译:一项为期7年的田间研究评估了61种油料向日葵,向日葵,种质和31种种间杂交对三种茎杆害虫,向日葵茎象鼻虫,Cylindrocopturus adspersus(LeConte)的自然种群的侵袭的抵抗力(鞘翅目:Cur_culionidae );长角甲虫Dectes texanus LeConte(鞘翅目:天牛科);在大平原中部的两个地方,还有一个无聊的蛾,Pelochrista womonana(Kearfott)(鳞翅目:Tortricidae)。揭示了具有抵抗来自所有三个侵染物种的攻击的潜在来源的种质。在测试的品系中,保藏号PI 650558,PI 386230和PI 431516在平均每根茎的象鼻幼虫低密度方面保持一致,并且PI 497939在5年的试验中仅一年就超过了25个象鼻幼虫。几个种间杂交的每根茎中的C. adspersus幼虫密度也始终较低。得克萨斯D. texanus和P. womonana的种群多年来都在变化,但是在许多试验中,所测品系之间的差异很明显,显示出发展抗性种质的潜力。四个种质(PI 386230,PI 431542,PI 650497和PI 650558)除降低了德氏梭状芽孢杆菌的侵染百分率外,还具有较低的C. adspersus和P. womonana幼虫密度。结果显示了开发这些害虫抗性基因型的潜力。增加寄主植物抗性作为病虫害综合治理(IPM)策略的前景将为减少大平原中部向日葵的茎秆病虫害带来的经济损失提供另一种工具。



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