首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >A primal Divisia technical change index based on the output distance function

A primal Divisia technical change index based on the output distance function


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We derive a primal Divisia technical change index based on the output distance function and further show the validity of this index from both economic and axiomatic points of view. In particular, we derive the primal Divisia technical change index bytotal differentiation of the output distance function with respect to a time trend. We then show that this index is dual to the Jorgenson and Griliches (1967) dual Divisia total factor productivity growth (TFPG) index when both the output and input markets are competitive; dual to the Diewert and Fox (2008) markup-adjusted revenue-share-based dual Divisia technical change index when market power is limited to output markets; dual to the Denny et al. (1981) and Fuss (1994) cost-elasticity-share-based dual Divisia TFPG index when market power is limited to output markets and constant returns to scale is present; and also dual to a markup-and-markdown-adjusted Divisia technical change index when market power is present in both output and input markets. Finally, we show that the/ primal Divisia technical change index satisfies the properties of identity, commensurability, monotonicity, and time reversal. It also satisfies the property of proportionality in the presence of path independence, which in turnrequires separability between inputs and outputs and homogeneity of subaggregator functions.
机译:我们根据输出距离函数得出原始的Divisia技术变化指数,并从经济和公理角度进一步证明该指数的有效性。特别是,我们通过输出距离函数相对于时间趋势的总微分得出原始的Divisia技术变化指数。然后,我们证明当产出和投入市场都具有竞争性时,该指数是Jorgenson和Griliches(1967)双重Divisia全要素生产率增长(TFPG)指数的两倍;当市场支配力限于产出市场时,采用Diewert和Fox(2008)基于加价调整后的基于收入份额的双重Divisia技术变化指数的两倍; Denny等人的双重著作。 (1981)和Fuss(1994)基于成本弹性份额的双重Divisia TFPG指数,即市场力量仅限于产出市场,并且规模收益不变。当产出和投入市场都具有市场支配力时,它还可以与经加价和降价调整后的Divisia技术变化指数同时使用。最后,我们证明原始的Divisia技术变更指数满足了同一性,可比性,单调性和时间反转的特性。在路径独立的情况下,它也满足比例性,这反过来又需要输入和输出之间的可分离性以及子聚合函数的同质性。



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