首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >Modeling of time series arrays by multistep prediction or likelihood methods

Modeling of time series arrays by multistep prediction or likelihood methods


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An estimation theory is provided for the fitting of possibly incorrect, invcrtible, short-memory models to (short- or long-memory) time series or time scries arrays by multistep predietion error minimization or Gaussian likelihood maximization. By array, we mean data v_t(T), 1<=t <=T, that depend on the number of observations T, such as regression or other cstimatcd-model residuals, or the outputs of time varying filters, for example seasonal adjustments. Our theory only requires the modeled arrayto have basic properties: for a.s. [i.p.] convergence of parameter estimates, the array's sample lagged second moments must converge a.s. [i.p.]. and its end values y_(l-j) (T) and y_(T-j) (T) must be of order less than T~(12). Or an appropriately differenced version of the observed array must have these properties. In Findley et at. (Ann. Statist. 29 (2001) 815), broad classes of arrays were shown to have these properties. Even for the special case of auloregressive moving average models tit to stationary Gaussian time scries data, our result on the convergence of parameter estimates minimizing p-step-ahead prediction error sums of squares is new.
机译:提供了一种估计理论,用于通过多步预定义误差最小化或高斯似然最大化将可能不正确的,不可克服的短内存模型拟合到(短内存或长内存)时间序列或时间scries数组。对于数组,我们的意思是数据v_t(T),1 <= t <= T,它取决于观测值T的数量(例如回归或其他cstimatcd模型残差)或时变滤波器的输出,例如季节性调整。我们的理论只要求建模数组具有基本属性: [i.p.]参数估计值的收敛,数组样本的滞后第二矩必须收敛a.s。 [i.p.]。并且其最终值y_(l-j)(T)和y_(T-j)(T)必须小于T〜(12)。或观察到的数组的适当不同版本必须具有这些属性。在Findley等。 (Ann。Statist。29(2001)815),广泛的数组类别具有这些属性。即使是针对固定的高斯时间序列数据的自回归移动平均模型的特殊情况,我们在参数估计的收敛性上得到的结果也使得p阶超前预测误差平方和最小化。



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