首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Entomology >Susceptibility of Two Strains of the Confused Flour Beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Following Phosphine Structural Mill Fumigation: Effects of Concentration, Temperature, and Flour Deposits

Susceptibility of Two Strains of the Confused Flour Beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Following Phosphine Structural Mill Fumigation: Effects of Concentration, Temperature, and Flour Deposits


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In this study, we evaluated phosphine efficacy against two strains of the confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), one laboratory strain, with no previous exposure to phosphine, and one field strain, originated from the flour mill on which we performed the fumigation. The standard Detia Degesh Phosphine Resistance Kit showed that the adults of the field strain of T. confusum required 4.4 x longer time to be knocked down than the laboratory strain. In order to assess the efficacy of phosphine in the field against these strains, aluminium phosphide (AlP) was applied in a flour mill in Czech Republic, in 2014. In this application, temperature among the six floors of the flour mill varied between 20 and 30A degrees C, relative humidity (RH) between 44 and 78%, and phosphine concentration-time-products (CtP) between 24 and 38 g.m(-3).h(-1). Moreover, the insects were bioassayed in dishes that contained either no commodity or 1, 3, and 5 cm of flour. Nevertheless, despite these variations, all adults and larvae from both strains were dead, regardless of the floor, the quantity of the commodity, and the conditions prevailing. However, larval emergence from eggs that were used in the bioassays for both strains was recorded in some of the locations tested. In addition, larval emergence was negatively correlated with both temperature and RH. At the same time, emergence was generally similar between strains. The results of the present study illustrate that highly visible dead adults and larvae after the application of phosphine falsely imply good fumigation efficacy, given that a considerable number of eggs are very likely to survive in a wider range of conditions, and the concomitant larval emergence may result in rapid population grown right after the fumigation.
机译:在这项研究中,我们评估了磷化氢对两种混淆的面粉甲虫Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val(鞘翅目:Tenebrionidae)的药效,一株以前从未接触过膦的实验室菌株,以及一种来自于面粉厂的田间菌株。我们进行了熏蒸。标准的Detia Degesh磷化氢抗药性试剂盒显示,田鼠T. confusum毒株的被击倒时间比实验室毒株长4.4倍。为了评估磷化氢在田间对抗这些菌株的功效,2014年在捷克共和国的一家面粉加工厂中使用了磷化铝(AlP)。在该应用中,面粉加工厂的六层楼之间的温度在20到20℃之间变化。 30A摄氏度,相对湿度(RH)在44至78%之间,磷化氢浓度-时间乘积(CtP)在24至38 gm(-3).h(-1)之间。此外,对这些昆虫进行了生物测定,所述菜肴不含任何商品或面粉,1、3和5厘米的面粉。尽管如此,尽管有这些变化,但不论底价,商品数量和当时的状况如何,两种菌株的所有成年和幼虫都死亡。但是,在某些测试位置记录了两种菌株在生物测定中使用的卵的幼虫出苗。此外,幼虫的出现与温度和相对湿度呈负相关。同时,菌株之间的出苗通常相似。本研究的结果表明,应用磷化氢处理后高度可见的死亡成年幼虫错误地暗示了良好的熏蒸效果,因为相当数量的卵很可能在更广泛的条件下存活,并且伴随着幼虫的出现导致熏蒸后人口迅速增长。



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