首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >Reduced rank regression in cointegrated models

Reduced rank regression in cointegrated models


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The coefficient matrix of a cointegrated first-order autoregression is estimated by reduced rank regression (RRR), depending on the larger canonical correlations and vectors of the first difference of the observed series and the lagged variables. Ina suitable coordinate system the components of the least-squares (LS) estimator associated with the lagged nonstationary variables are of order 1/T, where T is the sample size, and are asymptotically functionals of a Brownian motion process; the components associated with the lagged stationary variables are of the order T~(-1/2) and are asymptotically normal. The components of the RRR estimator associated with the stationary part are asymptotically the same as for the LS estimator. Some components of the RRR estimator associated with nonstationary regressors have zero error to order 1/T and the other components have a more concentrated distribution than the corresponding components of the LS estimator.
机译:协整的一阶自回归的系数矩阵通过降低的秩回归(RRR)来估计,这取决于较大的典范相关性和观测序列的第一差异和滞后变量的向量。在合适的坐标系中,与滞后非平稳变量关联的最小二乘(LS)估计量的分量为1 / T阶,其中T为样本大小,并且是布朗运动过程的渐近泛函。与滞后平稳变量相关联的分量的阶数为T〜(-1/2),并且是渐近正态的。与固定部分关联的RRR估算器的组成与LS估算器的渐近相同。与非平稳回归变量关联的RRR估计器的某些组件的零误差为1 / T,而其他组件的分布比LS估计器的相应组件更集中。



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