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Causality, prediction, and specification analysis: Recent advances and future directions


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It is with great pleasure that we have been honored with the responsibility of editing this very special volume of the Journal of Econometrics. The issue collects papers that were invited for a conference to honor Halbert L. White on the occasion of his 60th birthday, held at the University of California, Rady School of Management, San Diego during May 6–7, 2011. Originally, this special conference was meant to honor Hal White’s achievements and accomplishments in the field of econometrics, and was attended primarily by over 100 of his co-authors, current, and former students. After the conference, we were all immensely saddened by Hal’s passing, and this conference volume took on a much deeper meaning, in that all of the contributors wrote papers that saluted Hal’s immense contributions in areas of both theoretical and applied econometrics.
机译:很荣幸我们有责任编辑《计量经济学杂志》这本非常特别的书。本期收集的论文被邀请参加为纪念哈尔伯特·L·怀特(Halbert L. White)诞辰60周年而举行的会议,该会议于2011年5月6日至7日在加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的拉迪管理学院举行。会议旨在表彰Hal White在计量经济学领域的成就和成就,主要有100多位他的合著者,现任和以前的学生参加。会议结束后,我们都为Hal的逝世感到非常难过,这次会议的意义更为深远,因为所有撰稿人都写了赞扬Hal在理论和应用计量经济学领域做出的巨大贡献的论文。



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