首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electrocardiology: An International Publication for the Study of the Electrical Activities of the Heart >Paradoxical behavior of PR interval dynamics during exercise and recovery and its relationship to cardiac memory at the atrioventricular node.

Paradoxical behavior of PR interval dynamics during exercise and recovery and its relationship to cardiac memory at the atrioventricular node.


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This preliminary study deals with the dynamics of the PR interval during exercise testing by using a Bruce protocol in 31 nonmedicated, normal patients with ages of 33 +/- 14 years. The behavior of the PR interval permitted its categorization into 2 groups. In Group I (27 of 31, 87.1% of patients) the PR interval showed the expected biphasic behavior with a gradual shortening with increasing exercise and a gradual lengthening during recovery. In contrast, the PR interval in Group II (4 of 31, 12.9% of patients) showed a triphasic behavior since, toward the end of recovery, there was a second decrease in duration. Because of this temporal relation to the phases of exercise, this paradoxical response, in analogy to what happened to the QT interval during exercise, could have been caused by a form of short-term memory or to varying, but normal, intergroup differences in autonomic function. However, further studies involving a greater number of patients are required to reach definite conclusions.
机译:这项初步研究通过在31名年龄在33 +/- 14岁的非药物,正常患者中使用Bruce规程处理运动测试期间PR间隔的动态变化。 PR间隔的行为允许将其分为2组。在第一组(31名患者中的27名,占87.1%)中,PR间隔显示出预期的两相行为,随着运动量的增加逐渐缩短,恢复期间逐渐延长。相比之下,第二组(31人中的4人,占12.9%的患者)的PR间隔表现出一种三流行为,因为在恢复快要结束时,持续时间有了第二次减少。由于与运动阶段之间存在时间上的联系,这种悖论性的反应,类似于运动过程中QT间隔的发生,可能是由于某种形式的短期记忆或自主神经的差异性但正常的群体间差异引起的。功能。但是,需要进行涉及更多患者的进一步研究才能得出明确的结论。



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