
Effect of the anodic current density on copper electrodeposition in the hydrogen co-deposition range by the reversing current (RC) regime


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In this study, the effect of the anodic current density in the regime of reversing current (RC) on the quantity of evolved hydrogen and morphology of copper deposits was considered. The quantity of evolved hydrogen was quantified by the determination of the average current efficiency for hydrogen evolution reaction, while morphology and internal structures of electrodeposited copper were analyzed using scanning electron (SEM) and optical microscopy techniques, respectively. In all RC experiments, the cathodic current density of 440 mA/cm~2, cathodic pulse of 10 ms and anodic pulse of 5 ms were applied, while the analyzed anodic current densities were: 40, 240, 440 and 640 mA/cm~2. The number, size and shape of holes formed of detached hydrogen bubbles strongly depended on the selected parameters of square waves RC. Due to the decrease of the quantity of evolved hydrogen with the increasing anodic current density, the change of morphology of copper deposits formed around holes from cauliflower-like agglomerates of copper grains to dendrites was observed. Honeycomb-like structures were formed with the anodic current density values up to 440 mA/cm~2. The compactness of the honeycomb-like structures increased with the increase of the anodic current density. The improvement of structural characteristics of the honeycomb-like electrodes was achieved by the application of the RC regime in comparison with both the pulsating current (PC) and constant galvanostatic regimes. It was found that the regime of reversing current is superior in the production of the honeycomb-like electrodes in relation to other current regimes of electrolysis.
机译:在这项研究中,考虑了反向电流(RC)方式下阳极电流密度对析出的氢量和铜沉积物形态的影响。通过确定析氢反应的平均电流效率来量化析出氢的量,同时分别使用扫描电子(SEM)和光学显微镜技术分析电沉积铜的形态和内部结构。在所有的RC实验中,施加的阴极电流密度为440 mA / cm〜2,阴极脉冲为10 ms,阳极脉冲为5 ms,而所分析的阳极电流密度为:40、240、440和640 mA / cm〜。 2。由分离的氢气泡形成的孔的数量,大小和形状强烈取决于方波RC的所选参数。由于随着阳极电流密度的增加,析出氢的量减少,因此观察到孔周围形成的铜沉积物的形态从花椰菜状的团聚体到铜的树枝状转变。形成蜂窝状结构,阳极电流密度值高达440 mA / cm〜2。蜂窝状结构的致密性随着阳极电流密度的增加而增加。与脉动电流(PC)和恒电流恒流方式相比,通过应用RC方式可以改善蜂窝状电极的结构特性。已经发现,相对于其他电解电流方式,在蜂窝状电极的生产中,反向电流方式是优越的。


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