
Adherence to calcium channel blocker poisoning treatment recommendations in two Canadian cities


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Context. No study has documented whether physicians call poison control centres (PCC) for calcium channel blocker (CCB) poisoning or if interventions suggested by the PCC are being applied. Objectives. This study evaluated the compliance of physicians with the Quebec Poison Control Center's (QPCC) recommendations for the treatment of CCB poisoning. It also assessed the outcomes of these patients. Methods. This retrospective chart review was conducted with CCB-poisoned adults who were admitted to a hospital in Quebec City or Montreal between January 2004 and November 2007. Using the sequence of interventions, it was determined whether or not the PPC recommendations were adhered to. Level of care provided, morbidity and mortality were reported. The researchers also used the QPCC database to verify if the poison centre was consulted for the care of the patient. Results. A total of 103 cases were identified. 42% (43/103) were classified as compliant (all PCC recommendations were followed) and 58% (60/103) non-compliant group (some or no PCC recommendations followed). The poison control centre (PCC) was contacted for 74% of the total cases (81% of cases in the compliant group and 68% in the non-compliant group). High-dose insulin euglycemia therapy (HIET) was not started when indicated or started at too low dosage in 20 cases. Glucagon was given, even if not indicated, in 14 cases and decontamination was inappropriate in at least 10 cases. For the entire sample, there was an average of 8 days of hospitalization, 47 h of intensive care, 11 h of vasopressor use, a morbidity of 50% and a mortality of 6%. Acute renal failure (35%), metabolic acidosis (25%), acute pulmonary oedema (15%), aspiration pneumonia (15%), rhabdomyolysis (8%), myocardial ischemia (7%), abnormal liver function tests (AST/ALT) (6%), cerebral anoxia (4%) and ileus (3%) were among the most frequent complications. The outcomes in the non-compliant group versus the compliant group showed a mortality of 10% versus 0% (95%CI 0.00-0.20, p-value <0.0001), a morbidity 67% versus 26% (95%CI 0.17-0.57, p-value <0.0001) (OR 0.21 unadjusted and 0.64 adjusted, p-value <0.0001), a median hospital length of stay (LOS) of 5 days versus 1 da y (p-value <0.0001) (OR of a LOS ≥1 day 0.23 unadjusted and 0.39 adjusted, p-value <0.0001), a median ICU LOS of 34 h versus 0 h (p-value <0.0001) (OR of a ICU LOS ≥1 day 0.16 unadjusted and 0.38 adjusted, p-value <0.0001) and a median duration of vasopressor of 17 h versus 3 h (p-value 0.0002) (OR of a vasopressor ≥1 h 0.15 unadjusted and 0.29 adjusted, p-value <0.0001). Conclusion. In conclusion, the majority of the physicians did not follow PCC recommendations for the treatment of CCB poisoning. Further studies are ongoing as to evaluate the barriers to protocol adherence and to develop evidence based guidelines accompanied by an effective implementation strategy.
机译:上下文。没有研究记录医生是否致电钙中枢阻断剂(CCB)中毒的中毒控制中心(PCC)或是否正在采用PCC建议的干预措施。目标。这项研究评估了医师对魁北克毒物控制中心(QPCC)推荐的CCB中毒治疗的依从性。它还评估了这些患者的预后。方法。这项回顾性图表审查是针对2004年1月至2007年11月在魁北克市或蒙特利尔市住进医院的CCB中毒成人进行的。通过一系列干预措施,确定是否遵守了PPC建议。报告了所提供的护理水平,发病率和死亡率。研究人员还使用了QPCC数据库来验证是否咨询了中毒中心以照顾病人。结果。总共确定了103例。 42%(43/103)被归类为“符合”(遵循了所有PCC建议),58%(60/103)被归为“不遵从”(某些或没有PCC建议被遵循)。接触了中毒控制中心(PCC)的案件总数为74%(合规组为81%,不合规组为68%)。有适应症时未开始大剂量胰岛素正常血糖治疗(HIET),或20例患者以太低剂量开始。胰高血糖素在没有使用的情况下也有14例,至少有10例使用了去污剂。整个样本的平均住院时间为8天,重症监护47小时,使用血管加压药11小时,发病率为50%,死亡率为6%。急性肾衰竭(35%),代谢性酸中毒(25%),急性肺水肿(15%),吸入性肺炎(15%),横纹肌溶解症(8%),心肌缺血(7%),肝功能异常(AST / ALT(6%),脑缺氧(4%)和肠梗阻(3%)是最常见的并发症。不依从组与依从组的结果显示死亡率分别为10%和0%(95%CI 0.00-0.20,p值<0.0001),发病率67%对26%(95%CI 0.17-0.57) ,p值<0.0001)(未调整OR 0.21,0.64调整,p值<0.0001),中位住院天数(LOS)为5天与1天(p值<0.0001)(LOS的OR ≥1天0.23且未调整0.39,p值<0.0001),中位ICU LOS为34小时与0小时(p值<0.0001)(或ICU LOS≥1天未经过0.16且0.38调整的pCU值<0.0001),血管加压药的中位持续时间为17小时与3小时(p值0.0002)(血管加压药≥1 h的OR分别为未经调整的0.15和经调整的0.29,p值<0.0001)。结论。总之,大多数医师并未遵循PCC的建议来治疗CCB中毒。正在进行进一步的研究,以评估遵守协议的障碍,并制定基于证据的指导方针以及有效的实施策略。



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