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Psychological Treatments for Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis


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Meta-analyses of the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in childhood and adolescence are restricted to specific trauma, selected interventions, and methodologically rigorous studies. This large meta-analysis quantifies the effects of psychological treatments for PTSD symptoms in children and adolescents. An extensive literature search yielded a total of 13,040 articles; 135 studies with 150 treatment conditions (N = 9562 participants) met the inclusion criteria (psychological interventions with children and/or adolescents with PTSD symptoms that report quantitative measures of symptom change). The mean effect sizes (ESs) for PTSD symptoms ranged from large to small, depending on the control condition. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) yielded the highest ESs. Age and caretaker involvement were identified as moderators. CBT, especially when conducted in individual treatment with the inclusion of parents, is a highly effective treatment for trauma symptoms. Psychological treatments need to be modified to address younger patients' specific needs.
机译:对儿童和青少年创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的治疗进行的荟萃分析仅限于特定的创伤,选定的干预措施以及方法学上严格的研究。这项大型的荟萃分析量化了心理治疗对儿童和青少年PTSD症状的影响。广泛的文献搜索总共产生了13,040篇文章; 135项具有150种治疗条件的研究(N = 9562名参与者)符合纳入标准(对患有PTSD症状的儿童和/或青少年进行的心理干预,报告了症状变化的定量测量方法)。 PTSD症状的平均效应大小(ESs)从大到小不等,具体取决于对照条件。认知行为疗法(CBT)产生了最高的ES。年龄和看守人参与被确定为主持人。 CBT,尤其是在有父母陪伴的情况下进行的单独治疗中,是对创伤症状的高效治疗。需要修改心理治疗方法,以解决年轻患者的特殊需求。



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