首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dermatological science >Chemokine receptors in the pathogenesis and therapy of psoriasis.

Chemokine receptors in the pathogenesis and therapy of psoriasis.


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Chemokine receptors are G-protein-coupled, seven-transmembrane-spanning surface receptors that play key roles in cell trafficking, cell motility, and survival. These receptors are activated by small molecular weight chemotactic cytokines called chemokines. Chemokine receptors and their corresponding chemokine ligands play roles in the migration and localization of normal T cells (and other cells) during physiological responses in inflamed or infected skin. In psoriasis, the chemokine receptor CCR6 is expressed on the Th17 cells and gammadelta T cells, which produce a variety of cytokines (IL17 and IL22 among others), that play a role in the immunological activation. CCR6 and its ligand, CCL20, are highly expressed in psoriatic skin lesion and CCR6 is essential for the development of the psoriasiform phenotype following IL23 injection in mouse skin. In this review, we focus on the roles of chemokine receptors, particularly of CCR6, in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and discuss chemokine receptors as novel therapeutic targets for psoriasis.
机译:趋化因子受体是G蛋白偶联的跨七膜表面受体,在细胞运输,细胞运动和存活中起关键作用。这些受体被称为趋化因子的小分子趋化细胞因子激活。趋化因子受体及其相应的趋化因子配体在发炎或感染皮肤的生理反应过程中,在正常T细胞(和其他细胞)的迁移和定位中发挥作用。在牛皮癣中,趋化因子受体CCR6在Th17细胞和γδT细胞上表达,它们产生多种细胞因子(IL17和IL22等),这些因子在免疫激活中起作用。 CCR6及其配体CCL20在银屑病皮肤病变中高表达,而在小鼠皮肤中注射IL23后,CCR6对于银屑病表型的形成至关重要。在这篇综述中,我们集中于趋化因子受体,特别是CCR6,在牛皮癣发病中的作用,并讨论趋化因子受体作为牛皮癣的新型治疗靶标。



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