首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dentistry >Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by chewing gum with added calcium.

Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by chewing gum with added calcium.


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OBJECTIVES: Chewing sugar-free gum has been shown to promote enamel remineralization. Manufacturers are now adding calcium to the gum in an approach to further promote enamel remineralization. The aim of this study was to compare the remineralization efficacy of four sugar-free chewing gums, two containing added calcium, utilizing a double-blind, randomized, crossover in situ model. METHODS: The sugar-free gums were: Trident Xtra Care, Orbit Professional, Orbit and Extra. Ten subjects wore removable palatal appliances with four human-enamel half-slab insets containing subsurface demineralized lesions. For four times a day for 14 consecutive days subjects chewed one of the chewing gums for 20min. After each treatment the enamel slabs were removed, paired with their respective demineralized control slabs, embedded, sectioned and mineral level determined by microradiography. After 1-week rest the subjects chewed another of the four gums and this was repeated until each subject had used the four gum products. RESULTS: Chewing with Trident Xtra Care resulted in significantly higher remineralization (20.67+/-1.05%) than chewing with Orbit Professional (12.43+/-0.64%), Orbit (9.27+/-0.59%) or Extra (9.32+/-0.35%). The form of added calcium in Trident Xtra Care was CPP-ACP and that in Orbit Professional calcium carbonate with added citric acid/citrate for increased calcium solubility. CONCLUSIONS: Although saliva analysis confirmed release of the citrate and calcium from the Orbit Professional gum the released calcium did not result in increased enamel remineralization over the normal sugar-free gums. These results highlight the importance of calcium ion bioavailability in the remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions in situ.
机译:目的:咀嚼无糖口香糖可促进牙釉质再矿化。现在,制造商正在向口香糖中添加钙,以进一步促进牙釉质的再矿化。这项研究的目的是利用双盲,随机,交叉原位模型比较四种无糖口香糖的再矿化功效,其中两种含钙。方法:无糖口香糖为:Trident Xtra Care,Orbit Professional,Orbit和Extra。十名受试者穿着可移动的pa具,其中有四个人釉质半平板嵌片,其中包含地下脱矿质病变。连续14天每天四次咀嚼一种口香糖,持续20分钟。每次处理后,将牙釉质平板取出,并与各自的脱矿质对照平板配对,通过显微放射照相法测定包埋,切片和矿物质水平。在休息1周后,受试者咀嚼了另外四种口香糖,并重复进行直到每个受试者使用了四种口香糖产品。结果:与使用Orbit Professional(12.43 +/- 0.64%),Orbit(9.27 +/- 0.59%)或Extra(9.32 +/-)进行咀嚼相比,使用Trident Xtra Care进行咀嚼可导致更高的再矿化(20.67 +/- 1.05%)。 0.35%)。 Trident Xtra Care中添加钙的形式为CPP-ACP,而Orbit Professional碳酸钙中添加柠檬酸/柠檬酸盐的形式为增加钙溶解度。结论:尽管唾液分析证实了Orbit Professional口香糖中柠檬酸和钙的释放,但钙的释放并未导致牙釉质的再矿化作用超过正常的无糖口香糖。这些结果突出了钙离子生物利用度在原位牙釉质地下病变再矿化中的重要性。



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