首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Mass cultivation of seaweeds: current aspects and approaches

Mass cultivation of seaweeds: current aspects and approaches


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A word-wide overview is presented of the current state of mass cultivation of seaweeds. In comparison with a total annual commercial production of fish, crustaceans and molluscs of about 120 x 10(6) t, of which one-third is produced by aquaculture, the production of seaweeds is about 10 x 10(6) t wet weight; the majoirty of this comes from culture-based systems. The Top Ten Species List is headed by the kelp Laminaria japonica with 4.2x10(6) t fresh weight cultivated mainly in China. The productivity of a well-developed, multi-layered, perennial seaweed vegetation is as high as dense terrestrial vegetation, and even higher annual values for productivity have been reported for tank cultures of macroalgae. Epiphytes provide a major problem for the seaweed cultivator, but can be controlled by growing plants at high densities in rope cultures in the sea, or, more easily, in seaweed tank cultures on land. The main environmental problem of animal (fed) aquaculture is the discharge of nutrient loads into coastal waters, e. g., 35 kg N and 7 kg P t(-1) aquacultured fish. Integration of fish and seaweed farming may help to solve this problem, since seaweeds can remove up to 90% of the nutrient discharge from an intensive fish farm. Mass culture of commercially valuable seaweed species is likely to play an increasingly important role as a nutrient-removal system to alleviate eutrophication problems due to fed aquaculture.
机译:全书概述了海藻的大规模种植现状。与鱼类,甲壳类和软体动物的年商业总产量约为120 x 10(6)吨(其中三分之一是通过水产养殖生产)相比,海藻的产量约为10 x 10(6)吨湿重;这的乐趣来自基于文化的系统。十大物种榜首是海带海带,其净重为4.2x10(6)t,主要在中国种植。发达的多层多年生海藻植被的生产力与致密的陆地植被一样高,据报道,大型藻类罐养的生产力年值更高。附生植物为海藻耕种机提供了一个主要问题,但可以通过在海中的绳状养殖中,或者更容易在陆地上的海藻罐式养殖中以高密度种植植物来控制。动物(饲喂)水产养殖的主要环境问题是向沿海水域排放养分负荷。例如35千克N和7千克P t(-1)水产养殖鱼。鱼类和海藻养殖的一体化可能有助于解决这一问题,因为海藻可以从集约化养殖场中去除高达90%的养分排放。具有商业价值的海藻物种的大规模养殖作为减轻营养问题的养分去除系统可能会发挥越来越重要的作用,以减轻由于饲料养殖造成的富营养化问题。



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