首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Differences in Zn and Pb resistance of two ecotypes of the microalga Eustigmatos sp inhabiting metal loaded calamine mine spoils

Differences in Zn and Pb resistance of two ecotypes of the microalga Eustigmatos sp inhabiting metal loaded calamine mine spoils


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Soil-dwelling microalgae as pioneer organisms may play an essential role in degraded post-industrial areas. Zn and Pb resistance of two morphologically identical strains (E120, E5) of the soil microalga Eustigmatos sp. (Eustigmatophyceae) inhabiting two extremely metal polluted calamine mine spoils and Eustigmatos vischeri (Ev) from algal collection was compared. To compare Zn and Pb resistance of algal strains, toxicity parameters (72/96 h-EC50) were determined during their exposure to high Zn (50-800 mu M) and Pb (5-80 mu M) concentrations. Both Zn- and Pb-EC50 values increased as follows: Ev < E5 < E120. The E120 strain from the mine spoil with the highest metal contents appeared to be two times more Zn and Pb resistant (96 h-EC50 = 416 mu M Zn, 39.8 mu M Pb) than E5 strain from the less metal polluted site and 4.7-8.8 times more than Ev. Differences in Zn and Pb accumulation as well as in metal-induced membrane lipid peroxidation were also observed. The present study highlights the evolution of algal ecotypes of high but various Zn and Pb resistance as a result of natural exposure to different metal concentrations in their habitats. The algae of high heavy metal resistance could have a practical application in remediation of contaminated soils of anthropogenic origin.
机译:作为先驱生物的居住在土壤中的微藻类在工业化后的退化地区可能发挥重要作用。土壤微藻Eustigmatos sp。的两种形态相同的菌株(E120,E5)对Zn和Pb的抗性。比较了居住在两种极受金属污染的炉甘石矿渣中的(洋桔梗)和藻类采集中的洋桔梗(Eustigmatos vischeri,Ev)。为了比较藻类菌株对Zn和Pb的抗性,在暴露于高Zn(50-800μM)和Pb(5-80μM)浓度期间,确定了毒性参数(72/96 h-EC50)。 Zn-和Pb-EC50值均按以下方式增加:Ev



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