首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Water-soluble natural products from seaweed have limited potential in controlling bacterial pathogens in fish aquaculture

Water-soluble natural products from seaweed have limited potential in controlling bacterial pathogens in fish aquaculture


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Seaweeds producing natural products with in vitro efficacy against bacterial pathogens offer the opportunity for therapeutic services in fish aquaculture, for example inhibiting the growth of pathogens through the direct release of bioactive metabolites into the culture environment. The red alga Asparagopsis taxiformis was used to test this hypothesis because of its effective natural products and mechanisms to release these metabolites into the surrounding environment and because it can be cultivated intensively in land-based systems. Here we quantify the release, accumulation and residence time of the major halogenated metabolites from A. taxiformis in the cultivation medium and subsequently test the in vitro bioactivity of these water-soluble metabolites against multiple strains of the pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus iniae. The two major halogenated metabolites in A. taxiformis (bromoform and dibromoacetic acid) were released into the water and reaching steady-state concentrations of 27.7 +/- 1.5 mu g L-1 and 4.8 +/- 1.3 mu g L-1, respectively, under standard cultivation conditions. This water delayed the in vitro growth of the pathogenic bacteria S. iniae but did not prevent it. Increasing the levels of A. taxiformis metabolites in the water by three orders of magnitude with aqueous extracts of biomass inhibited the growth of S. iniae, but it was also toxic to fish. In an immersion challenge experiment, intermediate non-ichthyotoxic levels of A. taxiformis metabolites were ineffective as a treatment for barramundi infected by S. iniae. The evidence suggests that there is little potential for A. taxiformis bioactive metabolites to provide therapy services to fish infected with S. iniae.
机译:生产对细菌病原体具有体外功效的天然产物的海藻为鱼类水产养殖提供了治疗服务的机会,例如通过将生物活性代谢物直接释放到养殖环境中来抑制病原体的生长。红藻天冬粉被用于检验该假说,因为其有效的天然产物和将这些代谢物释放到周围环境中的机制,并且可以在陆基系统中进行密集栽培。在这里,我们量化了从拟青曲霉在培养基中的主要卤代代谢物的释放,积累和停留时间,随后测试了这些水溶性代谢物对多种病原菌链球菌的体外生物活性。出租车曲霉中的两种主要卤代代谢物(溴状和二溴乙酸)释放到水中,分别达到稳态浓度27.7 +/- 1.5μg L-1和4.8 +/- 1.3μg L-1。 ,在标准栽培条件下。该水延缓了病原菌S. iniae的体外生长,但没有阻止它的生长。用生物质的水提物将水中的拟南芥代谢产物水平提高三个数量级,可以抑制海豚链球菌的生长,但对鱼类也有毒。在一个浸没式攻击实验中,中等非鱼腥草毒素的士米曲霉代谢产物不能有效地用于治疗被海豚链球菌感染的金枪鱼。有证据表明,出租车种的生物活性代谢物几乎不可能为感染链球菌的鱼提供治疗服务。



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