首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology >The Thermally Driven Cross-Basin Circulation in Idealized Basins under Varying Wind Conditions

The Thermally Driven Cross-Basin Circulation in Idealized Basins under Varying Wind Conditions


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The Weather Research and Forecasting model is used to perform large-eddy simulations of thermally driven cross-basin winds in idealized, closed basins. A spatially and temporally varying heat flux is prescribed at the surface as a function of slope inclination and orientation to produce a horizontal temperature gradient across the basin. The thermal asymmetry leads to the formation of a closed circulation cell flowing toward the more strongly heated sidewall, with a return flow in the upper part of the basin. In the presence of background winds above the basin, a second circulation cell forms in the upper part of the basin, resulting in one basin-sized cell, two counterrotating cells, or two cells with perpendicular rotation axes, depending on the background-wind direction with respect to the temperature gradient. The thermal cell near the basin floor and the background-wind-induced cell interact with each other either to enhance or to reduce the thermal cross-basin flow and return flow. It is shown that in 5-10-km-wide basins cross-basin temperature differences that are representative of east- and west-facing slopes are insufficient to maintain perceptible cross-basin winds because of reduced horizontal temperature and pressure gradients, particularly in a neutrally stratified atmosphere.
机译:天气研究和预报模型用于在理想的封闭盆地中对热驱动跨流域风进行大涡模拟。在表面上规定了随时间变化的热通量,该热通量是坡度和方向的函数,以在整个盆地上产生水平温度梯度。热不对称导致形成一个封闭的循环室,该循环室流向加热程度更高的侧壁,而在水盆的上部则有回流。在盆地上方存在背景风的情况下,盆地上部会形成第二个循环单元,这取决于背景风向,导致一个盆地大小的单元,两个反向旋转的单元或两个旋转轴垂直的单元关于温度梯度。盆地底部附近的热室与背景风诱导的室相互影响,以增强或减少跨盆地热流和回流。结果表明,在5-10 km宽的盆地中,代表东西向斜坡的跨盆地温度差不足以维持可感知的跨盆地风,这是因为水平温度和压力梯度降低了,特别是在中立的分层气氛。



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