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Comparison of GPCP Monthly and Daily Precipitation Estimates with High-Latitude Gauge Observations


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Monthly and daily products of the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) are evaluated through a comparison with Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) gauge observations for the period January 1995-December 2007 to assess the quality of theGPCP estimates at high latitudes. At the monthly scale both the final GPCP combination satellite-gauge (SG) product is evaluated, along with the satellite-only multisatellite (MS) product. The GPCP daily product is scaled to sum to the monthly product, so it implicitly contains monthly-scale gauge influence, although it contains no daily gauge information. As expected, the monthly SG product agrees well with the FMI observations because of the inclusion of limited gauge information. Over the entire analysis period the SG estimates are biased low by 6% when the same wind-loss adjustment is applied to the FMI gauges as is used in the SG analysis. The interannual anomaly correlation is about 0.9. The satellite-only MS product has a lesser, but still reasonably good, interannual correlation (approx 0.6) while retaining a similar bias due to the use of a climatological bias adjustment. These results indicate the value of using even a few gauges in the analysis and provide an estimate of the correlation error to be expected in the SG analysis over ocean and remote land areas where gauges are absent. The daily GPCP precipitation estimates compare reasonably well at the 1 deg latitude X 2 deg longitude scale with the FMI gauge observations in the summer witha correlation of 0.55, but less so in the winter with a correlation of 0.45. Correlations increase somewhat when larger areas and multiday periods are analyzed. The day-to-day occurrence of precipitation is captured fairly well by the GPCP estimates, but the corresponding precipitation event amounts tend to show wide variability. The results of this study indicate that the GPCP monthly and daily fields are useful for meteorological and hydrological studies but that there is significant room for improvement of satellite retrievals and analysis techniques in this region. It is hoped that the research here provides a framework for future high-latitude assessment efforts such as those that will be necessary for the upcoming satellite-based Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission.
机译:通过与1995年1月至2007年12月期间的芬兰气象研究所(FMI)的观测值进行比较,评估了全球降水气候学项目(GPCP)的月度和每日产量,以评估高纬度地区GPCP估算的质量。以月度为单位,评估最终的GPCP组合卫星测量仪(SG)产品以及仅卫星的多卫星(MS)产品。 GPCP每日产品按比例累加后得出月度产品的总和,因此尽管它不包含每日量度信息,但它隐含了每月量度的影响。正如预期的那样,由于包含了有限的量规信息,每月的SG产品与FMI的观察结果非常吻合。在整个分析期间,如果将与SG分析中所使用的相同的风损调整应用于FMI仪表,则SG估算会低6%。年际异常相关性约为0.9。纯卫星MS产品的年际相关性较小,但仍相当不错(约0.6),同时由于使用了气候偏差调整而保持了相似的偏差。这些结果表明在分析中甚至使用几个量规的价值,并提供了在没有量规的海洋和偏远地区进行SG分析时预期的相关误差的估计。 GPCP的日降水量估计值在1度纬度X 2度经度标度下与FMI观测值在夏季进行了很好的比较,相关系数为0.55,而在冬季,相关系数为0.45,相对较小。当分析较大面积和多日期间时,相关性有所增加。 GPCP估算可以很好地捕获日常降水的发生,但是相应的降水事件量往往表现出很大的变化性。这项研究的结果表明,GPCP的月和日田对气象和水文研究很有用,但是该地区的卫星检索和分析技术仍有很大的改进空间。希望这里的研究为将来的高纬度评估工作(例如即将进行的基于卫星的全球降水测量(GPM)任务所必需的工作)提供一个框架。



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