首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Science >CYBA and GSTP1 variants associate with oxidative stress under hypobaric hypoxia as observed in high-altitude pulmonary oedema.

CYBA and GSTP1 variants associate with oxidative stress under hypobaric hypoxia as observed in high-altitude pulmonary oedema.


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HAPE (high-altitude pulmonary oedema) is characterized by pulmonary hypertension, vasoconstriction and an imbalance in oxygen-sensing redox switches. Excess ROS (reactive oxygen species) contribute to endothelial damage under hypobaric hypoxia, hence the oxidative-stress-related genes CYBA (cytochrome b-245 α polypeptide) and GSTP1 (glutathione transferase Pi 1) are potential candidate genes for HAPE. In the present study, we investigated the polymorphisms -930A/G and H72Y (C/T) of CYBA and I105V (A/G) and A114V (C/T) of GSTP1, individually and in combination, in 150 HAPE-p (HAPE patients), 180 HAPE-r (HAPE-resistant lowland natives) and 180 HLs (healthy highland natives). 8-Iso-PGF2α (8-iso-prostaglandin F2α) levels were determined in plasma and were correlated with individual alleles, genotype, haplotype and gene-gene interactions. The relative expression of CYBA and GSTP1 were determined in peripheral blood leucocytes. The genotype distribution of -930A/G, H72Y (C/T) and I105V (A/G) differed significantly in HAPE-p compared with HAPE-r and HLs (P≤0.01). The haplotypes G-C of -930A/G and H72Y (C/T) in CYBA and G-C and G-T of I105V (A/G) and A114V (C/T) in GSTP1 were over-represented in HAPE-p; in contrast, haplotypes A-T of -930A/G and H72Y (C/T) in CYBA and A-C of I105V (A/G) and A114V (C/T) in GSTP1 were over-represented in HAPE-r and HLs. 8-Iso-PGF2α levels were significantly higher in HAPE-p and in HLs than in HAPE-r (P=2.2×10(-16) and 1.2×10(-14) respectively) and the expression of CYBA and GSTP1 varied differentially (P<0.05). Regression analysis showed that the risk alleles G, C, G and T of -930A/G, H72Y (C/T), I105V (A/G) and A114V (C/T) were associated with increased 8-iso-PGF2α levels (P<0.05). Interaction between the two genes revealed over-representation of most of the risk-allele-associated genotype combinations in HAPE-p and protective-allele-associated genotype combinations in HLs. In conclusion, the risk alleles of CYBA and GSTP1, their haplotypes and gene-gene interactions are associated with imbalanced oxidative stress and, thereby, with high-altitude adaptation and mal-adaptation.
机译:HAPE(高海拔肺水肿)的特征是肺动脉高压,血管收缩和氧感应氧化还原开关的失衡。过量的ROS(活性氧)在低压缺氧条件下会导致内皮损伤,因此氧化应激相关基因CYBA(细胞色素b-245α多肽)和GSTP1(谷胱甘肽转移酶Pi 1)是HAPE的潜在候选基因。在本研究中,我们分别研究了CYBA的-930A / G和H72Y(C / T)和GSTP1的I105V(A / G)和A114V(C / T)多态性,分别在150个HAPE-p( HAPE患者),180个HAPE-r(耐HAPE的低地原住民)和180个HL(健康的高地原住民)。测定血浆中的8-异-PGF2α(8-异前列腺素F2α)水平,并将其与个别等位基因,基因型,单倍型和基因-基因相互作用相关。测定外周血白细胞中CYBA和GSTP1的相对表达。与HAPE-r和HLs相比,HAPE-p中-930A / G,H72Y(C / T)和I105V(A / G)的基因型分布有显着差异(P≤0.01)。 CYBA中的-930A / G和H72Y(C / T)的单倍型G-C和GSTP1中的I105V(A / G)和A114V(C / T)的G-C和G-T在HAPE-p中过分代表;相反,CYBA中-930A / G和H72Y(C / T)的单倍型和ITPV中I105V(A / G)和A114V(C / T)的单倍型在HAPE-r和HLs中过分代表。 HAPE-p和HLs中的8-Iso-PGF2α水平显着高于HAPE-r(分别为P = 2.2×10(-16)和1.2×10(-14)),并且CYBA和GSTP1的表达差异很大(P <0.05)。回归分析表明,-930A / G,H72Y(C / T),I105V(A / G)和A114V(C / T)的风险等位基因G,C,G和T与8-iso-PGF2α水平升高相关(P <0.05)。这两个基因之间的相互作用揭示了HAPE-p中大多数与风险等位基因相关的基因型组合和HLs中与保护性等位基因相关的基因型组合的过度表达。总之,CYBA和GSTP1的风险等位基因,它们的单倍型和基因-基因相互作用与氧化应激的失衡有关,从而与高海拔适应和适应不良有关。



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