首页> 外文期刊>Journal of digital imaging: the official journal of the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology >Computerized analysis of mammographic parenchymal patterns on a large clinical dataset of full-field digital mammograms: robustness study with two high-risk datasets.

Computerized analysis of mammographic parenchymal patterns on a large clinical dataset of full-field digital mammograms: robustness study with two high-risk datasets.


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The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the robustness of our prior computerized texture analysis method for breast cancer risk assessment, which was developed initially on a limited dataset of screen-film mammograms. This current study investigated the robustness by (1) evaluating on a large clinical dataset, (2) using full-field digital mammograms (FFDM) as opposed to screen-film mammography, and (3) incorporating analyses over two types of high-risk patient sets, as well as patients at low risk for breast cancer. The evaluation included the analyses on the parenchymal patterns of women at high risk of developing of breast cancer, including both BRCA1/2 gene mutation carriers and unilateral cancer patients, and of women at low risk of developing breast cancer. A total of 456 cases, including 53 women with BRCA1/2 gene mutations, 75 women with unilateral cancer, and 328 low-risk women, were retrospectively collected under an institutional review board approved protocol. Regions-of-interest (ROIs), were manually selected from the central breast region immediately behind the nipple. These ROIs were subsequently used in computerized feature extraction to characterize the mammographic parenchymal patterns in the images. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to assess the performance of the computerized texture features in the task of distinguishing between high-risk and low-risk subjects. In a round robin evaluation on the FFDM dataset with Bayesian artificial neural network analysis, AUC values of 0.82 (95% confidence interval [0.75, 0.88]) and 0.73 (95% confidence interval [0.67, 0.78]) were obtained between BRCA1/2 gene mutation carriers and low-risk women, and between unilateral cancer and low-risk women, respectively. These results from computerized texture analysis on digital mammograms demonstrated that high-risk and low-risk women have different mammographic parenchymal patterns. On this large clinical dataset, we validated our methods for quantitative analyses of mammographic patterns on FFDM, statistically demonstrating again that women at high risk tend to have dense breasts with coarse and low-contrast texture patterns.
机译:这项研究的目的是证明我们先前用于乳癌风险评估的计算机纹理分析方法的鲁棒性,该方法最初是在有限的银幕X线照片上开发的。本研究通过(1)在大型临床数据集上进行评估,(2)使用全场数字乳房X线照片(FFDM)而不是银幕X线乳房X线照片,以及(3)结合对两种高风险类型的分析来研究鲁棒性患者组以及罹患乳腺癌风险低的患者。评估包括对罹患乳腺癌的高风险女性(包括BRCA1 / 2基因突变携带者和单侧癌症患者)以及罹患乳腺癌的低风险女性的实质模式进行分析。根据机构审查委员会批准的方案,回顾性收集了456例病例,包括53例BRCA1 / 2基因突变的女性,75例单侧癌的女性和328例低危女性。从乳头正后的中央乳房区域手动选择感兴趣区域(ROI)。这些ROI随后用于计算机特征提取中,以表征图像中的乳房X线实质模式。在区分高危对象和低危对象的任务中,使用接收者操作特征分析来评估计算机纹理特征的性能。在使用贝叶斯人工神经网络分析对FFDM数据集进行循环评估中,在BRCA1 / 2之间获得的AUC值为0.82(95%置信区间[0.75,0.88])和0.73(95%置信区间[0.67,0.78])。基因突变携带者和低风险妇女,以及单方面癌症和低风险妇女之间。从计算机数字化乳腺X线照片纹理分析得出的这些结果表明,高危和低危女性的乳腺X线摄影实质模式不同。在这个庞大的临床数据集上,我们验证了我们对FFDM上的乳房X线照片进行定量分析的方法,再次从统计学上证明了高风险女性的乳房往往具有密实且具有低对比度纹理图案的乳房。



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