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Planting geometry and plant population affect dryland maize grain yield and harvest index.


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Water for dryland grain production in the Texas panhandle is limited. Agronomic practices such as reduction in plant population or change in sowing time may help increase maize (Zea mays L.) yield potential. Tiller formation under dryland conditions leads to more vegetative growth and reduced yield. We hypothesized that clump planting dryland maize would reduce environmental stress, tillering, and vegetative growth, and increase harvest index by having more soil water available during grain filling. Clump planting was studied during 2008 at Bushland, Texas. Two plant populations - 30,000 and 40,000 plants ha-1 - and three plant geometries - clumps of three or four plants (3 PPC or 4 PPC) and equally spaced single plants (ESP) - were grown in 75 cm rows. Growing season precipitation was 209 mm. Harvest index (HI) 200-seed mass and harvested ears were higher in 3 PPC and 4 PPC compared with ESP. Three PPC planted at 40,000 plants ha-1 had the highest harvest index of 0.46. The ESP produced 27% more unproductive ears compared with 3 PPC and 4 PPC. Leaf area index (LAI) was 14% more in ESP than in 4 PPC. The lower population produced higher HI and seed mass than the higher population, regardless of geometry. Grain yields were not significantly higher for clumps, yet increased number of productive ears, seed mass, and HI values, suggesting clump geometry may be a good strategy for dryland maize production.
机译:得克萨斯州盘根县的旱地谷物生产用水有限。减少植物种群或改变播种时间等农艺方法可能有助于增加玉米(Zea mays L.)的增产潜力。旱地条件下的分iller形成会导致更多的营养生长并降低产量。我们假设,通过在旱地玉米上结块种植,可以在灌浆期间增加土壤水的含量,从而减轻环境压力,分till和营养生长,并提高收获指数。 2008年在得克萨斯州的布什兰进行了丛生植物的研究。两个植物种群-30,000和40,000植物ha -1 -以及三个植物几何体-三或四棵植物(3 PPC或4 PPC)和等距单植物(ESP)的团块在75中生长厘米行。生长季节的降雨量为209 mm。 3 PPC和4 PPC的收获指数(HI)200种子质量和收获的耳朵高于ESP。在40,000株ha -1 上种植的3个PPC的最高收获指数为0.46。与3 PPC和4 PPC相比,ESP产生的非生产性耳朵高出27%。 ESP的叶面积指数(LAI)比4 PPC高14%。较低的种群产生的HI和种子质量高于较高的种群,而不管几何形状如何。团块的籽粒产量没有明显提高,但是生产穗的数量,种子质量和HI值增加,表明团块的几何形状可能是旱地玉米生产的好策略。



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