首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical gastroenterology >A Randomized Trial of Monopolar Soft-mode Coagulation Versus Heater Probe Thermocoagulation for Peptic Ulcer Bleeding

A Randomized Trial of Monopolar Soft-mode Coagulation Versus Heater Probe Thermocoagulation for Peptic Ulcer Bleeding


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Background and Aim:Endoscopic therapy has been demonstrated to be effective in achieving hemostasis for bleeding peptic ulcers. Thermal coagulation is one of the most commonly used methods, with a high success rate. Recently, endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric carcinoma was developed and hemostasis with soft coagulation using hemostatic forceps was introduced. The aim of this study was to compare the hemostatic efficacy of soft coagulation with heater probe thermocoagulation for peptic ulcer bleeding.Methods:Patients who visited our hospital with hematemesis or melena underwent emergency endoscopy. Inclusion criteria were presentation with an actively bleeding ulcer, a nonbleeding visible vessel, or an adherent clot. Patients were excluded if they were unwilling to give written informed consent or had a bleeding gastric malignancy. Patients were randomized to receive endoscopic hemostasis with soft coagulation (Group S) or heater probe thermocoagulation (Group H). The primary endpoint was the primary hemostasis rate and secondary endpoints were rebleeding rate, complications, and the procedure time.Results:Between May 2010 and February 2012, a total of 111 patients (89 gastric ulcers and 22 duodenal ulcers) were enrolled. Primary hemostasis was achieved in 54 patients (96%) in Group S and 37 (67%) in Group H (P<0.0001). Rebleeding occurred in 7 patients in Group H and none in Group S. Of these 7 patients, urgent surgery was performed in 1. Perforation occurred in 2 patients in Group H, which was managed conservatively.Conclusions:For patients with gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding, soft coagulation using monopolar hemostatic forceps is more effective than heater probe thermocoagulation for achieving hemostasis.
机译:背景与目的:内镜治疗已被证明可有效治疗消化性溃疡出血。热凝是最常用的方法之一,成功率很高。最近,开发了用于早期胃癌的内窥镜粘膜下剥离术,并引入了使用止血钳进行软凝的止血。本研究的目的是比较软凝和加热器探针热凝在消化性溃疡出血中的止血效果。方法:对曾因呕血或黑斑病来我院就诊的患者进行紧急内镜检查。纳入标准为溃疡活动性出血,可见血管无出血或有血凝块。如果患者不愿给出书面知情同意或胃恶性肿瘤出血,则排除在外。患者被随机接受软凝(S组)或加热器探头热凝(H组)的内镜止血。主要终点为主要止血率,次要终点为再出血率,并发症和手术时间。结果:2010年5月至2012年2月,共纳入111例患者(89例胃溃疡和22例十二指肠溃疡)。 S组54例(96%)和H组37例(67%)实现了原发止血(P <0.0001)。 H组7例发生再出血,S组无出血。这7例患者中有1例进行了紧急手术。H组2例发生穿孔,保守治疗。结论:胃十二指肠溃疡出血,软使用单极止血钳进行凝结比使用加热器探头热凝更有效。



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