首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Coastal Research: An International Forum for the Littoral Sciences >A Synoptic Examination of Causes of Land Loss in Southern Louisiana as Related to the Exploitation of Subsurface Geologic Resources

A Synoptic Examination of Causes of Land Loss in Southern Louisiana as Related to the Exploitation of Subsurface Geologic Resources


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During the last 80 years, Louisiana has been losing wetlands at an average rate of 62 km~2/y (24 mi~2/y) for an accumulated loss of approximately 4900 km~2 (1900 mi~2). The loss seems to be the combined result of natural and anthropogenic causes that are behind primarily land subsidence averaging about 10 mm/y (0.4 in/y) coinciding with a sea level rise now at 3 mm/y (0.1 in/y), both contributing to coastal inundation. Upon completing extensive review of often controversial and conflicting views only synoptically reported here, conclusions reached by applying Monte Carlo simulation include: (1) geodetic measurements are consistent with independently postulated causes of regional subsidence; (2) ranking of subsidence factors shows that the main contributor to the regional subsidence is adjustment to sediment load in the form of lithosphere flexure followed by normal faulting dipping basinward, which combined, account on average for 70% of the subsidence, with compaction accounting for another 23%; and (3) production of oil and gas plays a tertiary role. The literature supports the historical view that before experiencing engineering modifications across the catchment area, sedimentation from the Mississippi River system was able to build a prograding coastline by overcoming subsidence rates of similar magnitude with more generous sediment loads of coarser particle size. Sea level rise will become an increasingly dominant factor in land loss only if the acceleration predicted by simulation model scenarios materializes. Wetland losses most likely will continue for as long as there is no compensation to counterbalance the negative effects of land subsidence and sea level rise, with the latter determining the pace of future losses.
机译:在过去的80年中,路易斯安那州以平均62 km〜2 / y(24 mi〜2 / y)的速度丧失湿地,累计损失约4900 km〜2(1900 mi〜2)。损失似乎是自然和人为原因的综合结果,主要是土地沉降的平均水平约为10毫米/年(0.4英寸/年),而海平面上升现在为3毫米/年(0.1英寸/年),两者都导致沿海淹没。在完成对这里经常有争议和矛盾的观点的广泛回顾后,通过蒙特卡罗模拟得出的结论包括:(1)大地测量与独立假定的区域沉降原因一致; (2)沉降因子的排序表明,对区域沉降的主要贡献是对岩石载荷的调整,形式是岩石圈弯曲,随后是正断层向盆地倾斜,这两者合计平均占沉降的70%,并具有压实作用。另有23%; (3)石油和天然气的生产起着第三级的作用。文献支持这样一种历史观点,即在经历整个集水区的工程改造之前,密西西比河水系的沉积能够通过克服相似大小的沉降速率和更大的颗粒尺寸的更大的泥沙负荷,来建立渐进的海岸线。仅当模拟模型场景所预测的加速度实现时,海平面上升才将成为土地流失的日益重要的因素。只要没有补偿措施来抵消地面沉降和海平面上升的负面影响,湿地损失很可能会持续下去,后者决定了未来损失的速度。



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