首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Epidemiology >A sensitivity analysis using information about measured confounders yielded improved uncertainty assessments for unmeasured confounding.

A sensitivity analysis using information about measured confounders yielded improved uncertainty assessments for unmeasured confounding.


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OBJECTIVE: In the analysis of observational data, the argument is sometimes made that if adjustment for measured confounders induces little change in the treatment-outcome association, then there is less concern about the extent to which the association is driven by unmeasured confounding. We quantify this reasoning using Bayesian sensitivity analysis (BSA) for unmeasured confounding. Using hierarchical models, the confounding effect of a binary unmeasured variable is modeled as arising from the same distribution as that of measured confounders. Our objective is to investigate the performance of the method compared to sensitivity analysis, which assumes that there is no relationship between measured and unmeasured confounders. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We apply the method in an observational study of the effectiveness of beta-blocker therapy in heart failure patients. RESULTS: BSA for unmeasured confounding using hierarchical prior distributions yields an odds ratio (OR) of 0.72, 95% credible interval (CrI): 0.56, 0.93 for the association between beta-blockers and mortality, whereas using independent priors yields OR=0.72, 95% CrI: 0.45, 1.15. CONCLUSION: If the confounding effect of a binary unmeasured variable is similar to that of measured confounders, then conventional sensitivity analysis may give results that overstate the uncertainty about bias.
机译:目的:在观察数据的分析中,有时会提出这样的论点,即如果对测得的混杂因素进行调整后,治疗结果关联几乎没有变化,那么,对关联程度在多大程度上受未测混杂因素的关注就更少了。我们使用贝叶斯敏感性分析(BSA)量化了这种推理,以进行无法衡量的混淆。使用分层模型,将二进制未测变量的混杂效应建模为与被测混杂因子的分布相同。我们的目标是与灵敏度分析相比,研究该方法的性能,后者假定已测量和未测量的混杂因素之间没有关系。研究设计和设置:我们将这种方法应用于心力衰竭患者β受体阻滞剂治疗效果的观察性研究中。结果:使用分层先验分布进行不可测混杂的BSA产生的比值比(OR)为0.72,95%可信区间(CrI):β受体阻滞剂和死亡率之间的相关性为0.56,0.93,而使用独立先验则OR = 0.72, 95%CrI:0.45,1.15。结论:如果二进制未测变量的混杂效应与被测混杂因素相似,则传统的敏感性分析可能会得出夸大偏差不确定性的结果。



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