首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >Pseudophakic eye with obliquely crossed piggyback toric intraocular lenses

Pseudophakic eye with obliquely crossed piggyback toric intraocular lenses


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A 72-year-old man presented with high astigmatism (2.25 ?5.0 × 45) induced by long-term rotation of a toric intraocular lens (IOL). Corneal astigmatism was 3.78 diopters (D). The corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) was 20/32. Because of the risk of repositioning, a secondary toric IOL of ?3.0/6.0 D especially designed for sulcus implantation was piggybacked through 3.5 mm sutureless clear-corneal incision with a cylindrical axis obliquely crossed with that of the primary IOL. Eight months postoperatively, the corneal astigmatism was 5.04 D. The CDVA was 20/25 with a refraction of 1.0 ?2.5 × 70. No interlenticular opacification or significant rotation or decentration of the secondary toric IOL was observed. The refractive properties of this pseudophakic eye were analyzed using a mathematical approach. The calculated postoperative refraction was 0.84 ?1.7 × 47. A piggyback toric IOL can be implanted in an obliquely crossed style that allows a secondary toric IOL to correct astigmatism induced by long-term toric IOL rotation.
机译:一名72岁的男子因复曲面人工晶状体(IOL)的长期旋转引起高散光(2.25±5.0×45)。角膜散光为3.78屈光度(D)。校正后的远视力(CDVA)为20/32。由于存在重新定位的风险,专门设计用于沟渠植入的辅助复曲面IOL约为3.0 / 6.0 D,通过3.5 mm无缝合线的透明角膜切口背负,其圆柱轴与主IOL斜交。术后八个月,角膜散光为5.04D。CDVA为20/25,折光率为1.0±2.5×70。未观察到晶状体间混浊,继发性复曲面IOL明显旋转或散光。使用数学方法分析了该伪晶状体眼的折射特性。计算得出的术后屈光度为0.84×1.7×47。背负复曲面IOL可以斜交方式植入,从而使继发复曲面IOL纠正因长期复曲面IOL旋转而引起的散光。



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