首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >Transscleral fixation of a black diaphragm intraocular lens in severely traumatized eyes requiring vitreoretinal surgery.

Transscleral fixation of a black diaphragm intraocular lens in severely traumatized eyes requiring vitreoretinal surgery.


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The records of 4 eyes of 4 patients who had transscleral fixation of black diaphragm intraocular lenses (IOLs) after vitreoretinal surgery due to complications of severe perforating trauma were retrospectively reviewed. The transscleral fixation was performed 4 to 13 months after the vitreoretinal surgery. All patients reported a subjective decrease in glare and photophobia, with improved visual acuity in 2 eyes during a mean follow-up of 3 years. Cystoid macular edema was noted in 1 eye and transitory intraocular pressure elevation due to intraocular silicone oil in 1 eye. Severe perforating eye injury is frequently associated with extensive iris defects and lenticular and vitreoretinal complications. Although visual acuity may not be the primary concern in these eyes, favorable visual rehabilitation can be achieved following proper management of the retinal complications and transscleral fixation of black diaphragm IOLs to overcome glare and photophobia.
机译:回顾性分析4例因严重穿孔创伤并发症而在玻璃体视网膜手术后行巩膜固定黑色diaphragm膜人工晶状体的患者的4眼记录。玻璃体视网膜手术后4至13个月进行巩膜固定术。所有患者均报告称,​​在平均3年的随访期间,主观眩光和畏光减少,2眼的视敏度得到改善。在1只眼中发现了囊状黄斑水肿,并且由于1只眼中存在眼内硅油,导致短暂的眼内压升高。严重的穿孔眼损伤通常与广泛的虹膜缺损以及晶状体和玻璃体视网膜并发症相关。尽管视力可能不是这些眼睛的主要关注点,但在正确处理视网膜并发症和黑s IOL经巩膜固定以克服眩光和畏光之后,可以实现良好的视觉康复。



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