首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >Off-axis edge glare in pseudophakic dysphotopsia.

Off-axis edge glare in pseudophakic dysphotopsia.


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To characterize peripheral light focusing of oblique off-axis light in the edge-glare phenomenon associated with pseudophakic dysphotopsia.Department of Ophthalmology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.Nonsequential optical ray-tracing (OptiCAD) was performed on a model pseudophakic human eye with an intraocular lens (IOL). The acrylic IOL had an anterior radius of 14.23 mm, posterior radius of 25.00 mm, center thickness of 0.72 mm, diameter of 6.00 mm, and refractive index of 1.5597. Peripheral light focusing caused by off-axis light was calculated for light rays incident on the temporal cornea at angles between 0 degrees and 120 degrees to the sagittal plane.Light incident on the temporal cornea at oblique angles was able to strike the nasal portion of the IOL and the nasal retina. The focusing gain was 2.56 times the incident intensity. The critical incidence window at the temporal cornea was between 71 degrees and 89 degrees to the sagittal plane. The light-focusing effect created foci of light in the nasal edge region of the IOL. In the mid range of permissive angles, up to 3 secondary images were formed, some of which may be apparent only under scotopic conditions.Off-axis light incident at the temporal cornea formed intense foci in the nasal edge of the IOL. Multiple secondary images can be formed. These spots constitute glare sources and may be of sufficient intensity to disturb vision. These findings indicate that off-axis light may be an important contributor to some disability glare problems and that IOL edge design should be reevaluated to minimize dysphotopsia associated with peripheral focusing effects.
机译:为表征偏轴偏光在与假晶状体性视疲劳相关的边缘眩光现象中的外围光聚焦特性,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学威尔斯亲王医院眼科,澳大利亚非连续光学射线追踪(OptiCAD)使用人工晶状体(IOL)在假晶状假眼模型上进行。丙烯酸IOL的前半径为14.23mm,后半径为25.00mm,中心厚度为0.72mm,直径为6.00mm,并且折射率为1.5597。计算出与轴矢平面成0度到120度之间的角度入射到颞角膜的光线的偏轴光引起的周边光聚焦,以倾斜角度入射到颞角膜的光线能够入射到鼻梁的鼻部。 IOL和鼻视网膜。聚焦增益是入射强度的2.56倍。颞角膜的临界入射窗口相对于矢状面在71度和89度之间。聚光效果在IOL的鼻缘区域中产生了光的焦点。在允许角度的中间范围内,最多形成了3个次级图像,其中一些仅在暗视条件下才可见。入射在颞角膜上的轴外光在IOL鼻缘形成强烈的病灶。可以形成多个次级图像。这些斑点构成眩光源,强度足以干扰视力。这些发现表明,偏轴光可能是导致某些残障眩光问题的重要因素,并且应重新评估IOL边缘设计,以最大程度减少与周围聚焦效应相关的视光不良。



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