首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >Glued intraocular lens scaffolding for Soemmerring ring removal in aphakia with posterior capsule defect

Glued intraocular lens scaffolding for Soemmerring ring removal in aphakia with posterior capsule defect


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We describe using the glued intraocular lens (IOL) scaffolding technique to remove Soemmerring ring during secondary IOL implantation in aphakic eyes with associated posterior capsule defect following previous pediatric cataract surgery. Vitrectomy is performed, and the remnants of the posterior capsule are removed from the visual axis. A 3-piece foldable IOL is injected below the Soemmerring ring, and glued transscleral haptic fixation of the IOL is performed. The Soemmerring ring is dislodged from the periphery with a Sinskey hook and brought into the center of the pupil over the surface of the IOL optic, where it is emulsified with the phacoemulsification probe. The optic of the preplaced IOL acts as a scaffold and prevents dislodgement of Soemmerring ring material into the vitreous cavity during emulsification. Placement of a secondary IOL can be successfully accomplished in selected patients.
机译:我们描述了使用胶粘人工晶状体(IOL)支架技术在无晶状体眼继发IOL植入过程中去除Soemmerring环并伴有先前的小儿白内障手术后囊缺损。进行玻璃体切除术,并从视轴上去除后囊的残余物。在Soemmerring环下方注入3件可折叠IOL,并进行IOL的粘连巩膜触觉固定。 Soemmerring环用Sinskey钩从外围移开,并带入IOL光学元件表面上的瞳孔中心,并在此处用超声乳化探头进行乳化。预先放置的IOL的光学元件充当支架,并在乳化过程中防止Soemmerring环材料移入玻璃体腔。可以在选定的患者中成功完成辅助IOL的放置。



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