首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Catalysis >Enantioselective hydrogenation - V. Hydrogenation of butane-2,3-dione and of 3-hydroxybutan-2-one catalysed by cinchona-modified platinum

Enantioselective hydrogenation - V. Hydrogenation of butane-2,3-dione and of 3-hydroxybutan-2-one catalysed by cinchona-modified platinum


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Pt/silica modified by cinchonidine and cinchonine is active for the enantioselective hydrogenation of butane-2,3-dione to butane-2,3-diol in dichloromethane at 268-298 K and 10 bar pressure. Reaction proceeds in three stages. In the first, about 85% of the butane-2,3-dione is converted to 3-hydroxybutan-2-one and 15% to three higher molecular weight products by hydrodimerisation. The initial enantiomeric excess in the hydroxybutanone is modest (20 to 40%(R) with cinchonidine as modifier, 10%(S) with cinchonine as modifier) and dependent on the amount of alkaloid used in catalyst preparation. In the second stage, 3-hydroxybutan-2-one is converted to butane-2,3-diol; a marked kinetic effect is observed whereby the minority enantiomer is converted preferentially to butanediol and the enantiomeric excess in the remaining hydroxybutanone increases dramatically to values in the range 62 to 89%(R) and to 30%(S). Under all conditions, the most abundant stereochemical form of the final product is meso-butane-2,3-dione. In the third stage the three dimers are slowly converted by hydrogenation, dissociation, and further hydrogenation to butane-2,3-diol. In the absence of alkaloid, butane-2,3-dione hydrogenation to racemic products in dichloromethane solution proceeds in two distinct stages with no dimer formation. Butane-2,3-dione hydrogenation has also been studied over Pt/silica modified anaerobically by exposure to cinchonidine in ethanol under propyne at 2 bar. This catalyst is remarkably active for the conversion of diketone to diol in ethanol at 293 K and 10 bar and kinetic selection in the second stage of reaction is again observed. The hydrogenation of racemic 3-hydroxybutan-2-one in dichloromethane over cinchonine-modified Pt/silica at 273 K and 10 to 40 bar pressure also showed kinetic selection, an enantiomeric excess of up to 70%(S) appearing in the reactant as it was consumed. Mechanisms which account for these hydrogenations and dimerisations and for the enantioselectivities observed and their variation are presented. This diketone hydrogenation provides an example of consecutive thermodynamic and kinetic control of enantioselectivity in a multistage catalytic reaction. (C) 1998 Academic Press. [References: 31]
机译:经辛可尼定和辛可宁改性的Pt /二氧化硅可在268-298 K和10 bar压力下,在二氯甲烷中将2,3-丁烷丁烯对映选择性氢化为2,3-丁二醇丁烯。反应分三个阶段进行。首先,通过加氢二聚作用,约85%的丁烷-2,3-二酮转化为3-羟基丁烷-2-酮和15%至三种更高分子量的产物。羟基丁酮中的初始对映体过量是适度的(用辛可尼定作为改性剂为20%至40%,用辛可宁作为改性剂为10%),并取决于催化剂制备中所用生物碱的量。在第二阶段中,将3-羟基丁烷-2-酮转化为丁烷-2,3-二醇;观察到显着的动力学作用,由此少数对映异构体优先转化为丁二醇,剩余羟基丁酮中的对映异构体过量急剧增加,达到62%到89%R到30%S的值。在所有条件下,最终产物中最丰富的立体化学形式是内消旋丁烷-2,3-二酮。在第三阶段中,通过氢化,离解和进一步氢化将三个二聚体缓慢转化为丁烷-2,3-二醇。在不存在生物碱的情况下,在二氯甲烷溶液中的2,3-丁烷丁烯加氢成外消旋产物的过程分两个不同的阶段,没有二聚体形成。还通过在2 bar的丙炔下暴露于乙醇中的辛可尼定,在厌氧改性的Pt /二氧化硅上研究了2,3-丁二酮的氢化反应。该催化剂对于在293 K和10 bar下将二酮转化为乙醇中的二醇具有显着活性,并且再次观察到反应第二阶段的动力学选择。在273 K和10至40 bar的压力下,在辛可宁修饰的Pt /二氧化硅上在二氯甲烷中外消旋3-羟基丁-2-酮的加氢反应也表现出动力学选择,反应物中的对映体过量高达70%(S)。它被消耗了。提出了解释这些氢化和二聚作用以及观察到的对映选择性及其变化的机理。该二酮氢化提供了在多阶段催化反应中对映选择性的连续热力学和动力学控制的实例。 (C)1998年学术出版社。 [参考:31]



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