首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Composite Materials >A comparison of experimental data with multicontinuum failure simulations of composite laminates subjected to tri-axial stresses

A comparison of experimental data with multicontinuum failure simulations of composite laminates subjected to tri-axial stresses


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This article presents progressive failure predictions, and comparisons against experimental data, for a variety of continuous fiber composite laminates subjected to multiaxial stress states. The work is part of a broader effort known as the Second World-Wide Failure Exercise. The emphasis of Second World-Wide Failure Exercise is a study of the influence of hydrostatic compressive stress on the stress-strain response and ultimate failure of the composite laminates studied. Polymers tend to exhibit significant increases in ultimate strength in the presence of hydrostatic compressive stresses. Nonlinear stress-strain behavior is also commonly observed. The complex material behavior of polymers presents several challenges in the analysis of composite materials where polymer resins are used as the matrix constituent. Failure simulations presented are multiscale in nature, consisting of a nonlinear finite element formulation with resolution extending down to the lamina level. The finite element analysis is further coupled to a multicontinuum theory where fiber and matrix constituents are treated as separate but linked continua. In general, the results of the multicontinuum theory failure simulations are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The simulations were able to capture a variety of interesting material behaviors that are illuminated by the unique constituent level information provided in a multicontinuum theory analysis.



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