首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical nursing >Commentary on Kaunonen M, Hannula L and Tarkka M-T (2012) A systematic review of peer support interventions for breastfeeding. Journal of Clinical Nursing 21, 1943-1954

Commentary on Kaunonen M, Hannula L and Tarkka M-T (2012) A systematic review of peer support interventions for breastfeeding. Journal of Clinical Nursing 21, 1943-1954

机译:关于Kaunonen M,Hannula L和Tarkka M-T的评论(2012年),对同伴支持母乳喂养干预措施的系统评价。临床护理杂志1943-1954

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Kaunaonen et al. (2012) systematic review of peer support interventions for breastfeeding in developed countries is both timely and welcome as such strategies are becoming more widely implemented and have been associated with increased rates of initiation and longer duration of lactation among child-bearingwomen (Britten et al. 2006). Peer support schemes also resonate with the 'Big Society' ethos of the incumbent UK coalition government (Clark 2010). Studies have also identified positive benefits for breastfeeding peer supporters, particularly those from deprived populations. These include personal empowerment, increased self-esteem, educational opportunity and a sense of external validation: for some, this has catalysed other positively construed transformations in their lives such as commencement of further education (Raine 2003, Britten et al. 2006,Hoddinottei a/.2006). This was a comprehensive and ambitious review of peer support interventions in breastfeeding, with strong methodology, using well-defined inclusion criteria. It is limited to developed nations, utilising evidence from quantitative and qualitative studies. Kaunaonen et al. (2012) sought to identify the categories of peer supporters; their training needs; the nature of interventions used; and their effectiveness in supporting breastfeeding.
机译:Kaunaonen等。 (2012)对发达国家的母乳喂养同伴支持干预措施进行系统的评估是及时且值得欢迎的,因为这种策略正在得到更广泛的实施,并且与育龄妇女中开始哺乳的比率增加和哺乳期延长有关(Britten等。 2006)。同行支持计划也与现任英国联合政府的“大社会”精神产生共鸣(Clark,2010年)。研究还确定了母乳喂养同伴支持者的积极益处,特别是那些来自贫困人口的支持者。这些包括增强个人能力,提高自尊心,受教育的机会和对外界的认可感:对于某些人来说,这促进了他们生活中其他积极的构想转变,例如开始接受进一步的教育(Raine 2003; Britten等人2006; Hoddinottei a /.2006)。这是对母乳喂养同伴支持干预措施的全面而雄心勃勃的回顾,采用了明确的纳入标准,并采用了强有力的方法论。它仅限于发达国家,利用来自定量和定性研究的证据。 Kaunaonen等。 (2012)试图确定同伴支持者的类别;他们的培训需求;使用的干预措施的性质;及其在支持母乳喂养方面的有效性。



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