首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical neuroscience: official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia >Julius Althaus (1833-1900). Neurologist and cultural polymath; founder of Maida Vale Hospital.

Julius Althaus (1833-1900). Neurologist and cultural polymath; founder of Maida Vale Hospital.

机译:朱利叶斯·阿尔特豪斯(Julius Althaus)(1833-1900)。神经学家和文化专家;迈达维尔医院的创始人。

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Born, educated and trained in Germany, Julius Althaus migrated to London at the start of a long career in neurological medicine. He was a voluminous writer on a wide range of topics in both general medicine and neurology, especially electrotherapy. In addition, his textbooks form a snapshot of current concepts of great historical interest in areas such as epilepsy and cerebrovascular disease. He was an early and very successful author in the field of popular science journalism. His writing also covered many topics of general interest and his readership was both professional and public alike. His multilingual skills and Continental derivation provided him with international connections, placing him at the advancing edge of neurological development. Both Althaus and his wife Anna were superb musicians, the centre of a wide circle of friends and like-minded acquaintances, and contributed substantially to the cultural life of London. Althaus played a major, almost single-handed role in the founding and development of the Maida Vale Hospital for Nervous Diseases. He left behind a great legacy of both culture and neurology for his adopted country.
机译:朱利叶斯·阿尔特豪斯(Julius Althaus)在德国出生,受过教育和培训,在长期从事神经内科医学的职业生涯中移居伦敦。在一般医学和神经病学,尤其是电疗法方面,他是众多主题的作家。此外,他的教科书还概述了癫痫和脑血管疾病等领域具有重大历史意义的当前概念。他是科普新闻领域的一位早期且非常成功的作家。他的著作还涵盖了许多普遍感兴趣的主题,他的读者既有专业人士,也有公众人士。他的多语言能力和大陆派生为他提供了国际联系,使他处于神经学发展的前沿。 Althaus和他的妻子Anna都是杰出的音乐家,是众多朋友和志趣相投的朋友的中心,并为伦敦的文化生活做出了重要贡献。 Althaus在Maida Vale神经病医院的建立和发展中扮演了几乎几乎一手的主要角色。他为自己的祖国留下了巨大的文化和神经病学遗产。



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