首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chromatography, Biomedical Applications >Application of size-exclusion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for fractionation of element species in seeds of legumes

Application of size-exclusion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for fractionation of element species in seeds of legumes


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Fractionation of soluble species of P, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se and Mo in pea and lentil seeds was made by on-line hyphenation of size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Seed samples were extracted with 0.02 mol l~(-1) Tris-HCl buffer solution, Ph 7.5. sec was performed on Superdex 75 and Superdex Peptide columns (300*10 mm) with the same buffer solution as the mobile phase. Monitoring of oxide ion ~(47)(PO)~+ was used for detection of phosphorus compounds. Other elements were detected as ions of ~(55)Mn, ~957)Fe, ~959)Co, ~(62)Ni, ~965)Cu, ~(66)Zn, ~(82)Se and ~(95)Mo nuclides. Elements in individual elution zones were quantified using external calibration. Complete chromatographic recoveries of elements were found in cases of phosphorus, nickel and copper. Substantial parts of manganese and zinc, as well as traces of cobalt, selenium and molybdenum are retained on the column. Injection of EDTA solution removes these element from the column. Chromatographic profiles of pea and lentil samples are very similar for all elements except Mo. Main element species in the high-molecular-mass region (approx. 190 000 rel. mol. mass unit) were detected in case of Fe. Low-molecular-mass species (<200 rel. mol. mass unit) as major element forms are typical for Cu and Zn.
机译:豌豆和小扁豆种子中P,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Se和Mo的可溶性物质的分级分离是通过尺寸排阻色谱(SEC)在线联用和电感耦合等离子体质谱法进行的。种子样品用0.02 mol l〜(-1)Tris-HCl缓冲溶液,pH 7.5萃取。在与流动相相同的缓冲溶液的Superdex 75和Superdex Peptide色谱柱(300 * 10 mm)上进行sec分离。氧化离子〜(47)(PO)〜+的监测用于检测磷化合物。检测到其他元素为〜(55)Mn,〜957)Fe,〜959)Co,〜(62)Ni,〜965)Cu,〜(66)Zn,〜(82)Se和〜(95)的离子钼核素。使用外部校准对各个洗脱区域中的元素进行定量。在磷,镍和铜的情况下,元素的色谱已完全回收。大部分的锰和锌以及痕量的钴,硒和钼都保留在色谱柱上。注入EDTA溶液可从色谱柱中除去这些元素。除钼外,所有元素的豌豆和小扁豆样品的色谱图都非常相似。如果是铁,则在高分子质量区域(约190 000相对摩尔质量单位)中检测到主要元素。作为主要元素形式的低分子物质(<200 rel。mol。质量单位)是铜和锌的典型代表。



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