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Critical result communication response to Piva and Plebani: Best practices for communicating critical values


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Drs Piva and Plebani ask for an explanation for the difference between the 2010 technical report prepared by the CDC Laboratory Medicine Best Practices (LMBP) Team [1] and the more recent systematic review findings reported by this team [2]. Evidence for both the technical report and published paper was reviewed by the LMBP expert panel, although the expert panel was invited to revisit its initial ratings for both the individual study quality and observed effect sizes. Several of the study quality and effect size ratings were adjusted accordingly. In addition, two studies not available at the time the technical report was prepared became available in time to be included in the published review. These factors resulted in changes to the best practice recommendations.
机译:Piva博士和Plebani博士要求对CDC实验室医学最佳实践(LMBP)小组[1]编写的2010年技术报告与该小组最近报告的系统审查结果[2]之间的差异进行解释。 LMBP专家小组审查了技术报告和已发表论文的证据,尽管邀请专家小组重新评估其对单个研究质量和观察到的疗效大小的初始评分。相应地调整了一些研究质量和效应量等级。此外,在准备技术报告时尚不可用的两项研究可及时获得并被纳入已发表的综述中。这些因素导致对最佳实践建议的更改。



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